Page 363 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 363
Administration, 1957 349
\o ufh Juno 5, IV)57
! ft loi&liu )(I
Pleaso sqo Burrows* lottor to you No. 1011/3 of
May 24 about Belgrave.
2. The Ruler of Bahrain told mo on May 30 that if I
saw no objection ho was proposing to declare Smith
Secretary to the Govornmont. Since Bolgrave*s departure
Smith has boon, as you know, Acting Advisor. I told the
Ruler that I thought that this would be an excellent thing
and in particular that it would have a very good effect
in Bahrain since there had been considerable uncertainty
over Belgrave's future. I think the Ruler has now realised
that it will be impossible for Belgrave to come back here
for many months and then only as a visitor. IIo now
realises the seriousness of Belgrave's operation and that
it will take him a long timo to recover from it. Evon
when he has recovered from the operation he will never
really bo a fit man to the extent that ho could work as
he has been in the habit of working in Bahrain. The Ruler
began addressing letters to Smith as Secretary on June 1
ana Smith has now written to him recommending that he puts
out an office notice saying that ho is now Secretary to
the Govormnent and that huncoforward the Ad vis orate v/ill
bo called the Secretariat. This method, of office notice,
was used by Belgrave last August to announce his impending
retirement and so is quite a suitable method oT announcing,
more or less officially, Smith's appointment as Secretary.
3. If you have not yet done anything on Burrows' letter
of May 24 I do not now think you need do so.
4. I am sending a copy of this lottor to the Agency
(C.A. Gault)
D.M.H. Riches Esquire.