Page 356 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 356

342                        Records of Bahrain
                    Enclosure No, 2 to Bahrain Agency dosputch No, 12 of
                    December II . 1957 to the Political Resident (continued).

                          V/o would like to point out that the formation of the
                    municipal councils uro uoually made by election. But in the
                    present circumstances we found, in order that the work of the
                    municipalities should be no longer deluyed, it seemed wise
                    to appoint the Majliso for a period of one year. It was also

                    decided that the majority of the members would be appointed
                    from those who had previously exercised such duties. We hereby
                    assureyou that we will see that elections will be allowed for
                    these municipal councils after the appointed span of the
                    present nominated Councils,

                          As regards the Councils of Health and Education wo will
                    soon form them as they are essential.
                          We wish to mention that we have started and will continue
                    to carry out the vital schemes which will help in the progress

                    of the country such os the marine jetty and the water scheme
                    for Muharraq including extension of electricity to all parts
                    of the country.
                          All this will be performed in spite of the fact that two
                    thirds of the state royalties depend on oil the production of

                    which 18 very limited which makes it difficult for us to keep
                    in line with the other states which produce more oil.
                          All these schemes v/hich have been executed or are in the
                    way of execution, are means to raise the standard of the country

                    and to develop it. All these Majliss which have been established
                    or will be established when the necessity arises are means to
                    enable the sons of this country to co-operate with the Government
                    in the progress and advancement of Bahrain.
                         We request you all, as well a3 all the persons who are
                    interested in the progress of this country, to co-operate with

                    us in introducing the reforms and development. You should
                    overlook personal and private advantages and look seriously to
                    the public benefit,
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