Page 351 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 351

Study of administrative machinery, 1957        337


          or u financial export on the Administration Council is

          neccooary in order to oot a ’limit to the other members}
          particularly the A1 Khalifu membero  very hazy ideas of
          financial practice,    Mr. Cummins too is in favour though
          he felt unable to press it very far.     Another idea of ouro
          which I had put to the Ruler, that the municipal and other
          councils should refer to the Administration Council direct in

          certain matters rathor than through the Secretary to the
          Government, is regarded as somewhat dangerous by Mr, Cummins
          because it would give a route which avoided the Secretariat
          and by so doing.duplicated the channel to the Ruler,       I have
           therefore decided to leave this idea alone until Mr. Cummins'
          report has gone in and v/c and the Ruler and the Adviser have
          all had a chance to study it fully.

           8.   There is I think a good hope that out of Mr. Cummins   i
           recommendations some real improvement to Bahrain’s administrative
          machinery may come and may be seen to come, once the new
          Secretary, Mr. Smith, has established himself in his new duties
          which will take a little time.     The greatest obstacle to
           complete, or even comparative, success v/ill be the Ruler’s

           insiut’ence on doing thinguthe way he thinks best, whatever
           the expert may say, coupled with his general lack of mental
           flexibility and unreadinoso to accept changes in habit long
           formed.   It will be necessary therefore to watch for any
           ouch tendencies and seek to chock them shoudl they become
           excesoive and at the sumo time advise and encourage Mr. Smith

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