Page 350 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 350

336                        Records oj Bahrain


                 oign judgments.     While it can he argued that the mere

                 possession of certain cjunlifientiona doeo not alone make u
                 competent judge it ia a fact that in the local mind the
                 hi Khalifa judgea ure regarded by the more educated Bahrainis
                 uu something which ia now outdated and incongruous,        As
                 long ago as the autumn of 19134 we found it neccaaary to press
                  the Ruler on thio general point and as a result Mr, Peace was

                 appointed Judicial Adviser.     Moro recently still Mr, Wnafi el
                 Nimr, a Jordanian lawyer with full British qualifications,
                 Iiub been appointed Registrar of the Bahrain Courts but so far
                  the Ruler has not allowed him to 3it as a judge though he has
                 agreed to do so at oomo time in the future,      There are also
                 many complaints at the slowness of the courts in dealing with

                 cooes, this however i3 a complaint hoard even in Britain and
                 has less political sting in it.
                  7.   As I have already oaid, Mr. Cummins’ proposals which only
                  cover the administrative machine and do not deal with the
                 question of the judges of the Bahrain Court, have not yet been
                 formally uccepted, although the Ruler hus agreed to them in

                  principle, and so wo cannot yet say whether they will be finally
                  applied in the form they ure now or whether they will offer a
                  sufficient appearance of modernity and improvement to be
                 workable and acceptable.     The chances arc however that they
                 will come into force in due course and that they will at
                  least go seine way towards improving the general functioning

                  of the Government.    Outside Mr. Cummins proposals I, aa you
                  know, have suggested to the Ruler that the Director of Finance
                  should be given a seat on the Administration Council instead
                  of only being coopted when the affairs of hio department come
                  up for discussion as is the caoe with other departmental heads.

                 Thio the Ruler has, with some demur uccepted.      Both the
                 Your  Excellency and the adviser and I fee 1 that the presence

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