Page 345 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 345

Study of administrative machinery, 1957        331

           (1011/10/570)                           II, M. POLITICAL AGENCY,
           Doopatch No. 4                                 BAHRAIN,
                                                             PERSIAN GULP.
                                                   January 27, 1957.

                     I huve tho honour to report to Your Excellency on

                recent constitutional developments in Bahrain arising out of
                the visit here of Mr. J.R. Cummins to examine the existing
                administrative machinery of the Bahrain Government and
                ouggeot improvements.
                2.   Mr. Cummins, who arrived in Bahrain in the middle of
                November, 1956, had two main tasks to perform,      The first
                was to examine the existing administrative machinery and

                suggest improvements und the second to draw up an integrated
                scale of salaries for all Government employees in the vurious
                departments of the Bahrain Government,     It is the first of
                those tasks that I shall discuss here.

                3.   Tho present system of Government in Buhrain                  j
                effect of the Adviscrate, under Sir Charles Belgrave, the
                Adviser, which supervises all other departments and itself
                includes the Accounts Department which handles all financial
                matters, and the Customs.     It also supervises the municipal
                councils and various other councils such as those for
                religious endowments, pearling, water supply and minors'
                estates,    The Departments of Justice, Health, Education,
                Public Works, Agriculture, Police and Public Security and

                Electricity have relative independence to run their day-to-
                day affairs under their ov/n heads but ull policy decisions
                are taken by the Adviser, who consults the Ruler as necessary.

           His Excellency Sir Bernard Burrows, K.C.M.G.,                                      i
                Her Majesty's Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf,
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