Page 340 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 340

326                        Records oj Bahrain


                          Bahrain tclcgrpm NqT to Foreign Ol’floo
                    undertaken more frequently here than Is absolutely necessary.
                    This time the crowd never got completely out of hand, though
                    on the Prime Minister's arrival we only avoided It by the
                    skin of our teeth. If it had got out of hand some of the
                    party, not to mention others, members of the public, could
                    oasily have been injured.
                         Foreign Office pass Priority to New Delhi as ray
                    telegram No. 15.
                          [Copy sent to Telegraph Section C.K.O, for repetitiom to
                    New Delhi],

                    DISTRIBUTED TO:               ADVANCE COPIES

                    Eastern Department            Private Secretary
                    South East Asia Department    Sir I. Kirkpatrick
                    Far Eastern Department       Mr. Beeley
                                                  Head of Eastern Department
                                                  Resident Clerk.

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