Page 337 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 337

Visits by Middle Eastern leaders, 1956        323


                          FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE

            Cyphor/OTP                                 DISPARTMENTAL
            Sir B, Burrows
            No, 533                    D, 11#i»0 a,vu Juno 0, 1956
             June 0, 1956              H. 2,12 p,m, Juno 8, 1956

                  Addressed to Foreign Offloo telegrpm No, 533 of Juno 8,
             Repeated far information to U.K,H,C, Now Delhi

                  The Indian Prime Minister's proposed stop at Bahrain
             on the v/ny to London,

                  There is a report, hitherto unconfirmed, that the
             Committoe of National Union has sent the Indian Prirao Minister                j
             a telegram either urging him to instruct the local Indian
             community to lend support to the Committee in pursuit of
             their political demands, or possibly asking for his more
             general mediation in their negotiations with the Ruler,
             It is, therefore, possible that representations or an attempt
             to demonstrate may be made on the Prime Minister’s arrival
             here, and it would seem desirable that lie should be briefed
             in advance.

                  2, The Indian community has so far completely disassociated
             itself from local politics. They are, however, not popular
             with the local population with whom they compote in the labour
             market on lower rates of pay. Criticism of numbers of Indians
             employed by the oil companies, B,0,A,G, and some of the larger
             commercial concerns is a recurrent theme in the Nationalist
             Press, There have boen a number of oases rooently of Indians
             suffering minor molostation at the hands of young Arabs, and
             the Canraittcc of National Union some weeks ago Issued a
             statement deploring these manifestations.                                       I
                                                        /3, We sent
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