Page 339 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 339
Visits by Middle Eastern leaders, 1956 325
Mr. Gault D. 4.24 June 21, 1956.
No. 578 .i u ri <:■
June 21, 1956. R. 5.54 p.m. Juno 21, 1956. &
MIA. ^
Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 578 of June 21. s
Repeated for information to:
New Delhi
and Saving to P.O.M.E.F. and Gulf Posts.
^ E- vn
My immediately preceding telegram. Awto/lS
The Indian Prime Minister’s refuelling stop went
reasonably well. The crowd hvoke the police cordon after he
had descended from the aeroplane and it was only with great
difficulty that we were hy main force able to make a way for
him and his party into the airport building. During this
proceeding Sheikh Mohammed, the Ruler's uncle aged 75» who
was representing the Ruler, fell down, but was quickly set
on his feet again. Returning to the aeroplane, the party went
onboard first and the Prime Minister last. We were able to
force a passage through the crowd with rather less difficulty
this time. The aeroplane left fifteen minutes late.
2. The crowd,which numbered about a thousand, mainly Arabs
but many Indians, was fortunately good humoured. There wore
no anti-British shouts, only a few about Algeria, Tunisia,
Palestine and Nasser. I think the Committee of National
Union had heeded my warning and had their own men out to help
to control their supporters and avoid incidents. They were
no doubt encouraged in this endeavour in that they were
presented to the Prime Minister by Director [grp. undoo]
Education, The Police did well but their number was too few
and so the Committee's men were in fact able to play a larger
part than was really desirable. The Prime Minister said a
few wordB to local newspapermen and recorded a short message
for the Bahrain wireless.
5. While the occasion may be rated as having gone off all
right, it is no sort of exercise which I feel should be