Page 336 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 336

322                        Records of Bahrain
                                                       . *?“&m Site*
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                  CONFIDENTIAL/',-    ;.           1L
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               iftiotyt* ,   ■  Sv:;;' Da|u-Qln telegrani No. 533 attnohe4j!ropprMi^Bt«!ii«(l
                              •the(Committee of’National Union in Bahrain may>;;a$$1^
                             , to'.involve Mr. Nohpiijl ln thpir political af f a irs,:'pn<3
                               that in purnuit of Jhio object they, way Pqsoihl^f%&
                              • qttoinpt to demonstrate or make representationo19’
               :          \ {iim whop his aircraft* s tops in Bahrain ifpr
                        =.:! minutes op Juno 21/op his’way to London-
                 V                 •  :v, '        *1 ••              .^Xi:
                             .      2./-, New Dolhi vpre already in possession ,pf u*\Mi\
                               sufficient material with which, to acquaint Mr.V:,Np'hrUri{:fejJ»]
                               \^ith': the/ situation in Bahrain; and I do/not; think./that•$}Jfsfd^
                    :;'v  IV  Jn ■  ".Yte/wisb to make too .much of this either by . suggestin'g/jj|W|ji
                   /*//•':^SA‘.?>'.ir.iP-/advance that we are apprehensive, of/demonstrations/tffMjg
                              /"op/-that Mr. Nehru himself may behave: improperly :when,>4'*r;.?‘pi
                    ', ;‘4iv ./confronted' either hy. demonstrators or a petition •its .!
                ! •'           ‘v,#
                                                   . > '■
                • j                  3« I attach a’draft telegram for     the' Conimppwealtl\.;*/j
                               Relations Office toisend to New Delhi.
                        •:.                                            ..... -I*/s*
                              ■  ,.t§.1| •' Mr. Nutting has expreosed an interest 4n
                               matter. ■
                      •••   ,                                              ■
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                                                                                   ^k/V?; 'n k*
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                 •.*            fr?:                (D. M. H. Riches)        •«  \
                                 -vv            !    • June 13, 1956 ’             .%«
                            fp l HiJfMiJ.                                ' p3^
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                          . A>; 'Vu.rr                                             • . li •   •.{
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                             !i\fe .•                                  SfclSIiMl#! '
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