Page 331 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 331
Trial and exile of political prisoners, March-Deccmber 1956 317
from patrols and telephone mossagos from Police Stations and posts
wore ontored in tho rocord as they wero received, The evidence
includod details of all incidents such as the looting of houses >
destruction of property and burning of buildings as well as a
description of the route taken by tho procession, In the opinion
of the witnoss much of the destruction of property which occurred
must have boon deliberately planned owing to tho manner and
mothods which were used to carry out tho acts of incendiarism which
wero causod in many cases by prepared "bombs" which would not have
been manfacturod on tho spot.
21. The Tribunal found all five members of tho Coinmittoo of
National Union Guilty as alleged but it found that there was a
varying degree of responsibility, and that Abdel Rahman Baler,
Abdel Aziz Sharalan and Abdu All Alewat had a greater degree of
responsibility than Ibrahim Mohammed Fakhroo and Ibrahim bin Musa.
The first three wore sentenced to lb- years' imprisonment and tho
other two to 10 years’ imprisonment.