Page 326 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 326
312 Records of Bahrain
Go; /nment could prove the allocations it was rogrottablo that tho
trial was not hold in tho Manama Court Houso ) tho usual pluco for
trials. Ho assorted that tho trial in Budoya was a socrot trial.
Bocauso ho and tho other accused wore loyal subjects and bocauso
thoy had frequently beon assured that tho Government was democratic
they domanded that they should bo tried in public, in tho Manama
Court, in tho presence of the public who should hear the charges of
conspiracy which they were accused of committing, a conspiracy which
would dostroy tho foundations of Bahraii. Bakr added that the Govern
ment had enough force with which to maintain order, and the Court in
Manama was always crowded when important cases were heard, lie also
asked for copies of tho allegations and for copies of all documents
which were to bo presented in court. He statod that if all these
demands wore not agreed to neither he nor any of tho accused would
make any statement at all in defence.
4. The Tribunal expressed its willingness to supply copies
of the allegations and of documents after they had been produced to
it but it did not agree to transfer the hearing to Manama.
5. The Tribunal adjourned an.* when it reassembled Bakr again
demanded that the case should be heal'd in Manama, stating that he
would guarantee that there vouJrt be no disturbances, Tho Tribunal
informed tho accused that they wero sitting at Budeya by order of
His Highness and that they had a written order to this effect.
Bakr, for himself and for the other accused, then stated that neither
he nor any of tho accused would agree to bo tried in Budeya and
unless they were allowed to apnear in Manama none of them would
speak. Tho Tribunal proceeded with the matter by hearing the evidencej
throughout tho proceedings during this day and during the following
day none of the accused made any attempt to defend himself although
given every opportunity to do so. Whenever they wore invited to
speak they replied., through Bakr, that they would not speak in Budeya.
The accused wero invariably invited to put any questions which thoy
wished to each witness but each time thoy refused to do so.
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