Page 324 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 324

.10                        Records oj Bahrain

                       Enclosure No. 3 to Poonatch No. 2 (1011/6/57Q) of
                                       January 17. 1957.

                                                            10 December 1956,

                    "To Hor Majesty the Queen of Britain,      May God preserve
                     and koop hor,"

                           "In viev/ of the ancient friendship long existing
                     between Her Majesty's Government and us we request
                     assistance from time to time in removing certain persons

                     sentenced in our court to a safe place outside Bahrain
                     for imprisonment for the appointed sentence,       v;'e beseech
                     you to allow U3 to make arrangements with the Governor of
                     the island St. Helena for tlu. reception of the persons
                     who will bo sent to that island in accordance with the
                     sentence decided.     Always, Your Majesty, placing confidence
                     in a response to our request.      May God keep you in His


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