Page 319 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 319

Trial and exile of political prisoners, March-December 1956  305
     wmim-it                                telegram ®gfSS£g^-

     itzh . ' ijfcV . Cypher ood*. ;; ■■ raciknr       v
                                                                    • ■•.'.•IV. *"  ' V - •: ‘ , .„•
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     ■                                             .To:-: ■ fore^^mb^•;
                                                     ■. ^"! v -                   t
                   p^%v-.v> ■■-•-.. i ■.Hcccv.d
     ^fe|||i .8°' , :tl azu ,' • of Bee ember 24, 1956. _1 '                 , ,

                                                           ... v:' .';v^ §?
                   yiWvji-J'AddreBeearto. P.O., tol. No. 1224' of]Decemberv
           : PM

     ‘Vo'.V ’.V'yitfS?        tel•''No•1220 f7of DecemberBahrairiV;'^;!

     ' • iV<y • • I'.v*   .■.>..-#%.■»Bahrain Government, have now asked us -to .transfer v:^r'
                   ;'V?Vto - St, Helena only three, of those convicted,' viz,- Abdel
     ■?*.i:Vii"\’   *'!)•?’ ! ;i Rahman al Dakir, Abdel Aziz Shemlan and' A)Ddei Ali
           . v' ..   ,'f‘Alaiwat,’ all: of whom, are sentenced to 14 yearsNo ' •
      ■ \       ' • attendants will** accompany "them.1 • • Other'two'will: be kept; '
         •V *. (     •S                                                                      {
         •: .  i •  iyK   here and after a time probably have part of sentencesV
     •jyljyy-• >• y  .^remitted. . ■ ,                       '    - '
                           Documents required in para. 5 of your tel.i.Npi -.1413 •-
                    ’ *'} are:?being submitted to the Ruler for signature-.on:;4;>..■ ‘
                    .'•y December 26. Order in your tel. No. .'141.4 is being     ''
            b ;     ^.exhibited, on notice board at the Agency. vj- /.;r:v.»v- ■   '
                                                             '  -V.
                    ■&\:W ?Z\.
       ;>       *  <■* 3*0^Prisoners-will be-embarked on II.M.S.-:\L0CH:INSHJ.t;• •;
               -V.-.v  7?'leavingv:here. December 28. She calls at'.Mombas'sa-and'
                      Simons town only'. ■ Grateful if you will; inform.'authorities
                / .*•  . there as $ou think necessary.    .V ’            ........
                    \ 4• Bahrain Government confirm thatythey will bear-all
                     .expenses on board ship and at St. Helena, - including ;'
  I   V  >y.        7.; reasonable costs of preparing accommodation -.there, y-'-'.-'f.;-'
                    ‘ 'Accommodation described in para, (iii) of St;’’Helena .tel.
     I               ,‘.Ho.'v118 £of • December-1   sounds suitable..          ■■.•v.}'V.#
     {¥:P-          ' '’5«  )• I shall be grateful if you will cohvey information: in
                     • para6. .1, 3 and 4 above to Governor St.. Helenaivi;V- '
     ;       • .1 •  •»i;
                      Copies. to:  P.A.B.                      BURROWS • A   ■/\\ v*'iV
                    -/•<:     V    S.N.O.P.G.               1    M2953—5 •; 46923- A•! (4)
              1     '■y f                            ’ •:.'-  •• •*: ■ • .*• V'; •   *   ;.
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