Page 317 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 317

Trial and exile of political prisoners, March-December 1956  303

     raw te*>a» Basis*

     P111 l!>:V ;po.^i-.1173‘ „ l . of.. , December 15,; 1956;' .. | ifl
     mmllfal? ?;?; ;?x. ?;ilS

                                                          m -mss^m
     Itsm m                                                             mm

     &$(?: '•   ' ‘>5 •/'' '’.^-Bahrain Government have-at >our . suggestion'prepared, a'•
                   ^.statement for use. locally setting out main-grounds :of *,'
             !.' v'\? ••[’.acousat-ion on .the ■basis'’of captured documents,/.."al- Bakir*s, •
     #M?A']'•'■ 1’***•   press*interviewsf during the summer, etc, ;VlIt may •be/j-J £/ '
                   ;j?possible;"to. add?further material; on. the basis? of.V';|. - *,
            vj ?;«v.?-5 ”*«*-interrogation ! which is now proceeding,. ...y:Their : intention'
     ;®»jifesho^vreport /toUhe •'"Times" and. possibly, •HAsspciated^:*;:                     i
               •!?.'•?'* /fj;.Pregs!!•/from:hereYthat the trial has; \perhapsJ   Mi
                    {.i.with^a ' description, of C.N.U., and .politicalysituation^here,'
     ??W:'V>!;?  •'/! ^j.I'hope. to obtain3 text* of Bahrain- Government 18- statement?
            ?»V*-\'*r3 . ?-in'.advance and let you have the gist of ;jLt’ for .use; if   •
                 yi yjnecessary. in ■ responoe to enquiries in London- if •; Bahrain* .
               '• "• ’ -V'Vradio; statement or press reports give rl6e to, controversy
                   •. i on Arab radios or international interest generally•• V’
                   X;::.         •'••••: '■ - ■ '      '•• X::,.Xv
                   •X: 2. '• I imagine. that v/e should hope'that up to this stage
     tB-m i        »\: publicity would deal with trial and reasons for’ conviction!
                   ';*Vionly; .and that 'their removal from'he re , and’detention vin*’; a !,
          V        ;’ij.jBrijieh possession should obtain as little-publicity as;?
                   impossible. It’will however inevitablybecpme’knbwn.'hece.*/!’
                   i4.ti?atv.they have been removed arid destination will--become
                   ••iif*knowpvaf..least after a iwhile. \ Bahrain Government.;will?/.:.j
            •'*J*.§<k Tl: no;'; doubt wish' to" soy as little. a6’’.pointj

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