Page 312 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 312

298                        Records of Bahrain

                                                               BRITISH EMBASSY*

                                                                 Juno 9* 1956.

                Doar Reaidonoy,

                     PIoobo refer to our telegram No. 54 of to-day and our Chanoexy
                lottor 1024/45/56 of May 18.
                2* S&nhourL told our Oriental Counsellor* who called on him to-day*
                that ho had met Abdel Rahman Al-Bakir and had been surprised to find
                hie politiqal views so moderate. Asked what ho wished of the British*
                Al-Bakir hod said that the last thing he wished was to see them leave
                Bahrein. What ho and his friends wanted was political reform in the
                internal field* as the present set-up, with which ho identified
                Bolgravo, wao impossibly autooratio. He believed, of course* in
                Arab unity, but there was clearly no possibility of this at present*
                Sonhouri said that ho had been so impressed with Al-Bakir*s realism
                and moderation that he had almost suggested to him that he should go
                to London and discuss things-with Her Majesty's Government rather than
                stay hero in Cairo.

                3.   Sanhourl said that it ooounod to him that perhaps Al-Bakir was not
                so much in favour with the Egyptian authorities ao might bo supposed,
                possibly because of his moderation. He had not yet soon Nassor,
                although several weeks have passed 3ince he had put in his request
                for an interview.

                4.   Sanhouri may or may not be right about Al-Bakir not being in
                favour with the Egyptians. Nasser is undoubtedly extremely busy
                at present. Altoxnativoly, it maybe that it suits his present
                policy better to avoid giving us the impression that he is interfering
                in the affairs of Bahrain.
                5.   Wo aro sending a copy of thi3 letter to the Eastern Deportment*

                                           Yours ovor*


           Political Reaidonoy*
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