Page 310 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 310
296 Records of Bahrain
Cairo toloKram No. 606 to Forolftn Offlop
- 2 -
to the Arabs. The British offonsivo on Buraimi and Ooian woro
launched from it. Despite prosonoo of British troops and
warships, the Bahraini people stuck to thoir demands, llonoo
recont demonstrations resulting in 7 killod, 10 injured.
People hud demanded Commission of Enquiry. Ho was now nego
tiating with Egyptian lawyer to pload for victims* rights.
3. Full toxt follows by bag.
Foreign Office please pass to Y/ushington as u\y
telogrom No. 10)*. Caving.
[Repeated Caving to Y/ushington]•
African Department
Levant Department
News Department