Page 313 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 313

Trial and exile of political prisoners, March-December 1956  299


                Tho charge against tl\ooo fivo peruono is that thoy,
           oing jnojriborp of tho Coinmittoe of an unauthoriaod body
          Which callod itoolf "The Highor Exocutlvo Committee" hut
          which pubBoquontly changed ito namo (hut not ita meniboro or
          its ohjooto) to "The Committee of National Union" , which
          name wao then pocogniood hy Hio Higlineso, did, ao a committee,
          commit Yariouo and unlawful acta with tho dntont:-
          (a) To niurdor the Ruler and cei*tain momhoro of hi 6 family
              and hio A^Yifldr, an official of hio Government, and to
              doatroy his Palace, tho airport and other places,
          (h) To bring about hy unlawful moano a change in tho
              Government of tho 8tato,
          (o) To deprive the Ruler of sovereignty over hie 8tate hy
              deposing liim,
          (d) Furthermore, the Committoo organised a otriko and a
              domonotration in Manama on Friday, N0vemher 2nd, having
              "been given permission to havo a procoosion on the strict
              conditions that it should he a peaceful procession and
              thut tho procession ohould follow a certain routo, Tills
              procession which the Committee organised did not follow
              tho routo Y/hioh had been authorised by the Government and
              agreed upon hy the Secretary, it was not a peaceful
              proceosion and it Y/aa accompanied hy violence, tho
              destruction and tho burning of buildings and hy acts v/hich
              caused gravo damage to the property of the Ruler, the
              QQYernment and to firms and individuals in Bahrain.
          2, On the nights of                • •
          the Police acting under ordors from Hio Highness thd Shaikh
          arrooted Abdul Aziz Shamlan, Abdul RQliman Bakir and Abdur All
          Aliwat, on tho night of        • •       • •    t • t  Ibrahim bin
          Musa was arrested, Ibrahim Fakhroo was arrested on.  ♦ *
          in connection Yflth a charge of obstructing the P0llcc. A^ the*
          time of tho arroots tho houses of the first four persons were
          searched and evidenco will be given showing that certain
          documents, which will be produced in Court, were found in their
          possession. Reference will also bo made to noticoo published
          by tho Committoo and circulated in Bahrain also to newspaper
          reports of speeches made by Jlbdul HQhman Bakir outoldo BGhrain.
          Eyldenco will be given by the Police officers who wore in the
          neighbourhood of the procession on November 2nd about the routo
           taken and about Y/hat happenod during tho procession.
          3. (A)
                Among the papers found in the possession of Abdur All Aliwat
          y/as document Exhibit  • • •  • • •  ...  At the time that it wao
          found lUc son ondcavourod to recover it from tho Polico officer,
           as will bo statod by tho officer when giving evidonco.    This
           ehowod clearly that tho document in question was regardod us
          being important.
                 TRo document, signed "Tho Co.nmandos" and addressed to "The
          Freo People" otateo that the following resolutions are to bo
           carriod out during tho month. In short, the assassination of
           the Ruler, the Advioer and certain membors of the Ruler's family
           and tho burning of the Ruler's Palace,  tho airport und tho
           destruction of some foreign buildings,
                 The doquinent also otateo that pooplo were trained in how to
           use anno, exploolyoa and fire. Explosives, of a kind not
           previously knowi) in Bahrain, (bottles containing petrol) wero
                                                                 / used
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