Page 314 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 314

                soo                         Records oj Bahrain

                 iS/6d during the recent disturbances   and buildlngu wero
                 systematically oot on fire,

                       Anonymouo not loon find lottcro have boon circulated
                 during rocont monthn oignod "Commandos". An uxam.ilc «.,f
                 thcoo lettero ic the one received by Iluj llnooan Buljiq
                 Exhibit . ..   ••«     •• f • Similar lettero wore sent to many
                 persons who co-oporotod with the Government by continuing
                 to attend coiiinittooo at a time when they were being
                 throatonod by tho Committor) of Nntional Union Comui ttoo in
                 their public noticoo, Thooo noticou doccribcd no "Ti«ul tor3"
                 all poroono y/ho dupportod the Government. Reforein:os to
                 "Traitors" aro in tho Committoo' u noticoo li0e, 59 of Jnno IBth,
                 1956, 61 of July 9 th, 1956, 66 of July 31 Qt, 1956 and olhero.
                       This doounont wno found in the poGoosslon of ono of the
                 loading momboro of tho "Committoc of National Union", I to
                 contonto wore known to Abdur All Aliwat and he had no lawful
                 oxcuoo fop haying it in hip popocaoion. It was found uhortly
                 after threatening lottoro oigned "Comnandou" .iud boon oont to
                 indiyidualo in Bahrain, It must be considered that Abdur Ali
                 Aliwat, one of tho momboro of tho Committoo of National Union
                 know tho conooqucnooo which would follow hio being in poGocuulon
                 of this document, Jt cannot bo arguod that it was a privato,
                 individual documonV &b it io addroosed to "Tho People of 13Qhrain",
                       Tho intentiono which are expreooed in the document includo
                 burning buildingo and mining - prouumably blowing up - foroign
                  buildings, Abdul Rahman BQkir in hio apcoch at Boirut which
                 wao reportod in tho A1 Ahad           of             No,
                 and which ho novor cpntradicted, Exhibit No,
                 tliraatonqd that thorp  would bo burningo ajd masoacrco in Buhrain
                 if thp British and French landed in Ecypt.     Part of thooo
                 throats aro contained in the rooolutioiiG roforred to in tho
                 document found in Abdur Ali Aliwat' a pooaeGoion,
                 4? W
                       Tho Coiunittee, through Abdul Aziz Shomlan, Acting Secretary,
                 and through Abdul Rahman Bakir, while in C0iro, endeavoured to.
                 obtain tho oupport of a foroign powor - Egypt - in urdor to bring
                 about a change in tho^Govornmont of the Stato,
                        In a lettor from Shomlan to Colonel Anwar Saadat, a cenior
                 ntcraber of tho Egyptian Governmont, dutod 1,0,55, Exhibit  • •  • •
                 Bhemlan writes mentioning tho Highor Executive Co.iunittoe'c objects
                 oaying "in the forefront of which is tho aotting up of a Legislative
                 Asoojnbly to reduce tho powero of the Ruler", There is no
                 justification whatovor for a Committee of porson3 in Bahrain
                 whooo original object waa;-
                  aa statod in thoir first public notice No, 1 of 27.10.5h)
                  not to oot up oppoaition to any party or to take action which
                 would affect tho authority of tho Rulor or tho intcrouto of
                 tho British Qovornmont which they described as a natural ally
                 from which Bahrain would never part, to negotiate with a foreign
                 power, with whom tho Government of BQhrain has no official
                 relations, rogarding changes wliich tho Committoe proposed to
                 enforce on tho intornal Government of this country,"
                 5. (c)

                 2?Vpu?Ung an to She powers of the fo5daliotic ruler".

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