Page 316 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 316

302                         Records of Bahrain


                        The Commit too vrao granted pcrmioolon to organloo a
                  poacoful demonstration under eortaln conditions,     Those
                  conditions froro not obeyed.
                  0, Thooo ore tho ohargoo which are mado ogalnot tho flvo
                  loading members of. ^ho Commlttoo of National Union of whom
                  Abdul flQhn)ao Bakin’lo tho 80crotory, which In thlo organisation
                  Is tho senior poptf Abdul Azis 8homlan9 tho Acting 30cretary,
                  Abdur All Allwat in charge of vlllagos, Ibrahim Mohomod Pakhroo
                  tho Troaouror and Ibrahim Musa the roprooontfltlve In tho town
                  of lloddf a town ^n which for many months attacks have boon
                  mado aguiriot thOBO people who havo boon regarded by tho
                  "Committee" ns "Traitors" beoauso they havo boon loyal to
                  His Hlghnoss,
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