Page 328 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 328

314                         Records oj Bahrain
                  Th» names of the members of the organization continued to bo
                       10.   On 3rd Novembor tho Committee of National Union was shown

                  to have boon declared to bo an unlawful organization in a statement
                  by the Ruler which was broadcast from tho Bahrain Broadcasting
                       11.   It was claimed that documents shown to tho Tribunal

                  indicatod an intention to do away with tho Shaikh and other persons
                  and to carry out various unlawful acts of vlolenco which were listed
                   in Alowat's Notice,   Further that acts similar to thoso mentioned in
                   tho document were actually carried out by persons unknown on 2nd
                  November when buildings were set on fire by incondiary bombs of a typo
                  never boforo seen in Bahrain,  Reference was also made to a statement

                  made by Baler at a press conference in Cairo on 8 th August referrod to
                  in a number of extracts from nowspapors which were produced in Court.
                   (Exhibit 6).  There was no knowledge of any denial being published by
                  Bakr and it.was claimed that the throats which Bakr was reported to

                   have mado were similar to some of the actions which were carried out
                   on 2nd Novembor.
                       12.   As to notices issued by the Committee containing statements
                   calculated to provoke the enmity of tho poople against the Government
                   and others which described as "Traitors" thoso persons who co-operated
                  with the Government by sitting on public councils and committees,

                   (Committee Notice No.25 - 22.8.1955) it was shown that certain
                   persons had brought to the Adviscrate anonymous threatening letters,
                   some of them from "The Commandos", which wore identified. (Exhibits
                   7&8). In some cases the Govornmont arranged for Police Protection
                   for tho poople who had roceived theso letters and who had complained.
                   There was ovidenco that other anonymous threatening lettors had been
                   received by persons.
                       13.    It was claimed the witness said that some acts which had
                   taken place on 2nd Novembor wore similar to actions which were    to be
                   carried out as described in tho letter found in the possession of

                   Isa bin Hindi. (Exhibit 5).
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