Page 338 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 338

Records of Bahrain


                               patyraln telegram No, 533 to Foreign Office


                      . 3. V/o sent the U.K.H.c/   New Delhi, by confidential bog
                  on Juno 6, a copy of our 1011/2/12/56 to U.K. 11. (^-Karachi,
                  enclosing a paper on tho Buhrain situation which would ho suitablo
                  for communication to the Indian Government. This will presumably
                  not arrive for somo days, but if tho Prime Minister's departure
                  is at an early date U.IC.H.C, oould no doubt draw upon material
                  in recent monthly summaries already communicated to the
                  Indian Government,

                        Foreign Offico pass U.K.H.C, New Delhi an my telegram No.

                        [Copy sent to Telegraph Section, Commonwealth Relations
                  Office, for repetition to U.K.H.C, New Delhi].

                  DISTRIBUTED TO:
                  Eastern Department
                  South-East Asia Department
                  For Eastern Department

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