Page 155 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British interests and influence, 1898-1904       145

               C MAY V.; '"
             V:-                   No. 72 of 1901.

                        OVERNMENT OF INDIA.

                           FOREIGN DEPARTMENT.

                  The IIigiit Hon’ble LORD GEORGE E. HAMILTON,
                                      Eis Majesty’s Secretary of State for India.

                                                    Simla, the 9th May 1901.
           My Lord,
                    Wo liavo tho honour to forward copica of tho corrcspondonco noted
            From tiio Political Hcidcnt in tbo l’orii.n Gulf, in tho margin, regarding the courso to bo
           no. 295 (Confidential), dated iio 2-ith Uccombor pursued by our Assistant Political Agent
            To tbo Political iiciidcnt in tbo Portion Ouif, at Bahrein in counoctiou with any mer­
           No. 708 E.*A., dated tbo 4th May 1901.  cantile or other disputes which may ariso
           botwcon subjects of tho Shoikh of Bahrein aud a German firm which proposes
           to open a commercial agoncy in tbo island.
               2.  Wo trust that tho instructions which we liavo given to Licutcnant-
           Colonol Kcmball will mcot with tho approval of His Majesty’s Government,
           At tho same timo wo desire to add that tho position is not in our opinion,
           altogothor satisfactory, nor is it ono which is likely to bo pormanont. In pro­
           portion as tho subjects of foreign Powors sottlo in Bahrein for purposes of trade,
           so will cases that raiso tho question of tho naturo and extent of tho British
           protcctorato bocomo moro frequont and porhaps troublcsomo; and it is for
           consideration whothor some stops should not bo takon at an early dato to placo
           our position in Bahrein upon a moro assured and dofinito footing.
              3.  Wo shall bo gratoful for tho opinion of His Majesty’s Govornment on
           this point.

                                            Wo have tho honour to bo,
                                                    My Lord,
                                  Your Lordship’s most obediont, humble servants,

                        a.                         . /\C{M^
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