Page 158 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 158

148                       Records of Bahrain

                                                No. 708 E.-A.

                             Tiie UNDER-SEORETARY to the
                                            GOVERNMENT or INDIA
                                                         in the Foreign Department,
                             The POLITICAL. RESIDENT in the PERSIAN GULP.

                                                         Dated Simla, the 4th May 1901.
                           I am directed to roply to your letter No. 295, dated iho 24th December
                      1900, in which you report that Mr. Wankhaus, a German merchant residing at
                     Lingah, iutonds to open a branch of his business at Bahrein..
                         2. You suggest that, in tko evont of any mercantile or other eases arising
                     bolwcon subjects of tlio Bahrein Chief and Mr. Wankhaus or his agent at
                     Bahrein, the Assistant Political Agent should bo instructed to deal with such
                     cases as if they wero eases between British subjects and subjects of tho Bahrein

                         I am to point out, with rcfcronco to this suggestion, that Mr. Wankhaus
                     being a foroignor and not a protected person, tho Assistant Political Agont cannot
                     claim any jurisdiction in such eases. Mr. Wankhaus and his agent, if a
                     foreigner and not a Nativo Indian subject of His Majesty, must bo regarded as
                     liablo, in such eases, to tho jurisdiction of tho Sheikh.
                         As, liowovor, tho Sheikh is bound under treaty not to admit the Consular
                     agoncics of othor nations without tho consent of the British Government, it is |
                     oxpedient that tho British representative should, as a matter of courtesy, extend
                     his good offices to European foreigners in any disputes between them and tho
                      Cbiof of Bahrein or his subjects, and in tho ovont of necessity he should claim
                     to protect all such foreigners as he would a British subjoct. I am to request
                     that Mr. Gaskin may be instructed to this effect.

                                                         I havo tho honour to bo,
                                                        Your most obediont servant,
                                                          (Sd.) J. B. WOOD,
                                               Undersecretary to the Government of India.

                                        Foreign Offico Proas—No. G53—4-6*01—3l.
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