Page 190 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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                       180                       Records of Bahrain

                                 (3) That aftor tho above two conditions bad boon notually fufflllod 1
                                      should soo Shoikli Ali in tbo prosonco of tho Ohiof and Captain
                                      Pridenux and should warn him regarding his duparturo from
                                      Bahrein ponding rcooipt of tho viows of Goverumont. I sug-
                                      gostod his oithor going on pilgrimago to Mooca or on a visit to
                                      Maskat, Lingah or Kowoit.
                                 («1) Shoikh Esa also agreed, if I so desired, to publish a notification
                                      prohibiting tbo custom of "Sukhra" or “omploymont of
                                      forced coolio labour” by tho potty Skoikhs of Babroin.
                               At thosnmo timo bo poiuted out that ho had already warnod thoso oon-
                            corned on tho subject, and that wo wero woloome to rogard it db an acocptcd
                            faol that ho did not recognizo tho praotioo in any way.
                               11.  Boforo separating wo agrcod that it was of no usn our mooting again
                            until Sheikh Ali bad arrivod and until tho abovo conditions (1) and (2) had
                            been actually put into effect.
                               [Ao/e.—It was nccoeenry to dcoido hours of mooting a long whilo in odvanco oa inolo*
                            moot weather made communication botwoen Manama and Muharrag and botwcon tho Agonoy
                            and tbo pliipa oxcocdingly didioult and tedious all the timo I was thore and impodod our work
                            very much.]
                               12.  Deoember 3rd.—Sheikh Ali did not roturn during tho day, but wo
                            board after dark that ho had just roturnod and was spending tho night with
                            the Cbiof at Muharrag.
                               December 4th.—About 8 a.m. a hag of Its. 1,000 was rccoivcd at tho
                            Agoncy by tho hand of one of tho Sheikh's mon. At 10 a.m. 8hoikh Esa,
                            acoompanied by -Shoikh Ali and his son, Shoikh Hamod, arrived from
                               In spito of our ogroemont of 2nd instant that wo would not moot until
                            conditions (1) and (2) had beon fulflllod, thoy nil obtained ingress to tho
                            Agency Itocoption Room and sent word to mo that thoy had como and wanted
                            to soo mo. I sont Cnptnin Prideaux in to givo Shoikh Esa my complimonts
                            and to 6ay that tho compensation monoy, R**. 1,000, bad arrivod safely and I
                            wos much obliged for it, but that according to our provious ogreomont, tho
                            ringlcadors had to bo produced or oil Shoikh Ali’s sorvants paraded for identi­
                            fication beforo I could havo any furthor mooting with thomselvcs.
                                Captain Prideaux brought book tho roply that it was this quo6tion of tho
                            production of tho ringleaders that they wished to discuss with mo; they were
                            willing it appeared-to pay another Be. 1,000 jUSlicikh Ali'B.&oiyanfrs could bo
                            fparod. tbo corporal/punishment.
                                As this Rs. 1,000 would morely havo oome out of Shoikh Esa's pockot of
                            cour6o I remained obdurato, and was ovoutually informed that Sheikh Ali bod
                            goDo to tho town to colloothis men. A little later 4 culprits wero produced
                            and duly identified by Mr. Bahnson as having aotuolly participated  in tho
                            assault on him. I may mention boro that, apart from bruises, the latter
                            received a very nasty wound on tbo head and narrowly oscaped having his skull
                                The four men having been brought and identified Sheikh Esa asked permis­
                            sion to roturn to Muharrag as it was now getting Into and loft his son, Abdulla,
                            with instructions to havo tho ohat.tiscmont of tho mon oarriod out-in communi­
                            cation with mo. Boforo ho took bis departuro it was agreed botween us.that I
                            would Btart the inquiry into tbo Arab«Porsian affray caso tbo following m.orqing
                            and that ho would sond liis son or Vazior to ropresont him with instruotiona
                             to present boforo me any of bis subjoota whom I might wish to oxamino. .
                                Aftor his departuro tho matter of chastisement was proceeded with and
                             ovory possihlo obstruction was offered. Tho Shoikh’a Bazaar Master in
                             Manama who was tbo propor person to porform tbo operation, was sont for and
                             direoted to bring his canes and executioner. Ho absolutely rofuscdsoylng tbac
                             no canes could bo procured and that it was moro than ho dorod, to havo any
                             hand in .tbo punisbmont of Sheikh All’s men dirooFly or iritfircSTly.
                                Finally, I was obliged to sond to the Commander of His Majosty’s 81ifp
                             Redbreast for a weapon, pnd two Arab bystanders, or rotainers of his  own
                             wore called upon by Sboik Abdulla to infliot tbo whipping.
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