Page 194 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 194

104                        Records of Bahrain

                            tho woll-mcnnt notion of Mr. Bahnson produood quito an unforoaoon
                            Tho lot of Sheikh Ali bin Ahmed's people, about twenty of thorn, at onoo
                            started to lmmmcr away with tlioir sticks at Mr. Bnlmson, inflicting among,
                            other injuries, a nasty cut on Mr. Bahnsnn’s bond l£" long and about $•" broad
                             which produced a vory strong loss of blood, in fact Mr. Bahnson being covered
                             with his own blood nil over tho head, face and chost, tho shirt being ooakod
                             with blood. During this assault on Mr. Bahnson Shoikh Ali bin Ahmed
                             pretonded to protect Mr. Bahnson by getting hold of his body and ono of
                             liis arras, which naturally, instead of proving a protection only hindorod
                             Mr. Bahnson in tho uso of his arms, which ho was holding up for protootiq'J
                             of bis head. Shoikh Ali bin Ahmed did not order his men to stop, and in
                             Mr. Bahnson’s opinion his bohnviour proved that his people wero acting undor
                             his own orders, and that be, 8heikb Ali bin Ahmed, nover roaily meant to
                             protcot Mr. Bahnson.
                                Mr. Woncklmus who had been out of tho houso visiting a oustomor
                             rocoived nows that fighting was going on in his houso and hurrying back to
                             tho house found that tho pooplo had just left off striking Mr. Bahnson. On
                             his arrival most of tho assnilunts dispersed. Sheikh Ali bin Ahmed himsolf
                             with fivo or six of his followors romaining in tho house. Mr. Woncklmus
                             having no idea what roaily had happonod but sooing Mr. Bahnson bleeding
                             profusely asked Sheikh Ali bin Ahmed to come upstairs and explain mattors,
                             telling him that I would sond to tho British Assistant Politioal Agent,
                             Mr. Gaskin, and that it would bo well for him, 8hoikh Ali bin Ahmed, to
                             bavo tho mattor settled through Mr. Gaskin privately. To this Sheikh Ali
                             first agreed, but when being upstairs for two or throe minutes, ho decided
                             otherwiBO and said ho would go to his own houso, and if anything of' him was
                             being wanted, Mr. Gaskin might send for him. this in a very insolent tono.
                             Sheikh Ali bin Ahmod thon loft with bis followers and Mr. Wonckhauo
                             clcanod Mr. Babnson’s wound and faoo of tho blood and bandaged tho wound.
                             Ton minutos aftor this Mr. Gaskin arrived in my houso and tho rest of courso
                             is known to you.
                                I bavo bad repeatedly to complain to Mr. Gaskin against tho highhanded­
                             ness of Sheikh Ali bin Ahmed’s and other Shoikh’s servants and followors,
                             and tho customs of tho Sheikh’s men pressing my coolio tlioy bappon to
                             moot for work, which the Shoikh wants to bo dono is a highly deplorable
                             habit, which I venturo to think ought to bo stopped by tho rosponsiblo
                             authorities onco for all.
                                I do not think it necessary to point out to you tho soriousness of
  I                          tho offonco committed by Shoikh Ali bin Ahmed and his followors, and
                             I only vouturo to inform you of Mr. Bahnson’s idea of compensation and
                         j      Tho least whioh Mr. Bahnson oxpoots is
 5                              Firstly—Tho public punishmont of tho more conspicuous assailants who
 5                          aro known .to Mr. Bahnson and my olork, Abdulla, who was presonfc. Theso
 =                          mon will bo recognisod whon tho culprits will bo brought boforo Mr. Bahnson.
                            In ordor to bo suro that tho punishmont is really motod out to tho culprits,
                            Mr. Bahnson suggests that he should bo prcaont at tho occasion.
                                Secondly—Mr. Bahnson expeots a monoy compensation of Its. 1,000
                            (ono thousand rupoos) for tho injury rocoivod; and
                                Thirdly—I should think it fit if intimation woro to be givon to all tho
                            potty 8boikhs of tho island, that tlioy bavo to abstain from prossing ooolios
                             who aro imployod by mo for tlioir work.
                                I bopo that you will bo ablo to bring tho mattor to a satisfactory con­
                            Enclosuro No. 8.
                            Translation of a latter from Smixa Isa sin Ali al Kralctaij, Chief of Bthroia, to
                                 Major P. Z. Cox, C.I.E., OfDoutisg Politioal Beiidont in tho Persian Gulf, datod
                                 tho 20th Bajob 1022 (lit October 1904).
                                I hog to forward, horowith, for your information a potition whioh has boon
                            addrossod to mo by Shoikh Ali bin Ahmod alKholifah on tho suhjoot of tho
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