Page 293 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906 283
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Tolcgraro, dated (and rccoivod) tho 17th July 1005.
From—Tho Political Iloeidont in tho Persian Qulf, Bushiro,
To—Tho Foroign Socrclnry, Simla. x
Bahrein. As Sheikh Ali has notified hi9 rcadinoss to surrender, l am
asking Senior Naval Oflicor to send ship to bo in waiting. "Where should ho
ho located ? Pridoaux rocomuionds, aa tho proforablo courso, threo years in
India at Rawalpindi undor suporvision of oflicor in ohargo of Afghan refugees,
and thon two years wherovor he pleases, oxcopt Poraian Gulf and Oman. As,
however, ho will presumably bo living at his own oxponso, Ilorabay or Adou
would for an Aral) scorn to bo simpler.
Telegram, No. 2800 E.-B., dated tho 2Uh July 1905.
From—Tho Foroigu Secrotary, Simla,
To—Tho Chief Socrotary to tho Oovernmont of llombay, Political Department,
It has bcou decided to deport Sheikh Ali, uophow of Chief of Bahrein, t/
for fivo years. Could arrangomeuts bo mado for his supervision at Bombay
or Aden ?
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lonlga Oflci rrw-Kv, 717-27-7-W-35.