Page 328 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 328

318                       Records oj Bahrain

                                       VTrQ\ •Ino,*if connection I have been much gratified to find from the reports
                                       of Captain Pridcaux, your Political Agent, that the value of merchandise which

                                       but it at the same time accentuates the regret which I feel by reason of your
                                       not personally benefiting by the improvement as you should ; and this is owing
                                       to the conditions under which you farm out your Customs in advance and draw
                                       the income before it is due. Under such conditions all the profits go to the
                                       farmers and you. yourself aic denied the complete benefit of your revenue.
                                       Seeing that this is the ease, I am anxious to make you a friendly personal sug­
                                       gestion for your consideration with a view to the improvement of your circum­
                                       stances and the replenishment of your treasury.
                                          What suggests itself to my mind is this: If you agree, when I inform my
                                      Government of the increase in the prosperity of Bahrein I would be prepared to
                                      suggest to them that !»cy should make you an offer on business lines to take
                                      over the Customs Farm for three years and should pay you for it 3,00,000
                                      rupees per annum ; and that from the date of taking them over they should make
                                      you an advance, from these 3 lakhs, of a sum of i-J lakhs.
                                          Then you would be able to liquidate from the amount advanced all the debts
                                      which you at present owe and to set your mind at ease on that score. And this
                                      amount which would be paid to you in advance, you might conveniently pay
                                      back by instalments of 50,000 rupees per annum from the Customs revenue :
                                      and the yearly balance of 2,50,000 rupees might be paid to you at the rate of
                                      20,000 rupees per month subject to deductions for expenses of administration.
                                          On the expiry of the three years aforesaid, Government and yourself might
                                      examine the accounts and decide whether the amount in future required to be
                                      enhanced or reduced, and a new figure could be fixed according to requirements.
                                          The above details are my own suggestion made to you personally in a
                                      friendly way, but I could not mention them to the Great Government vainly. I
                                      hope therefore that you will kindly send me an answer, as to whether or not you
                                      are prepared to consider the matter seriously and favourably. I am sure that
                                      you would find my proposals most profitable to yourself and your house and I
                                      hope that your friendliness will prompt you to ponder over them and give them
                                      full consideration.
                                          This is what had to bo explained. May you be preserved and Salaam.

                                      Translation of a Idler from Sheikh Esa bin Alt' Al Khalifah, to Major
                                        P. Z. Coxt C.I.E., Bus/lire, dated the 2nd Rajab 1324 (23rd August igo6).

                                          After compliments—l am in receipt of your esteemed letter dated Jamadi-Al-
                                      Thani of the current year, and 1 have been duly and fully informed of what you con­
                                      veyed to me, especially your advice to me about the Customs and your wish that
                                      more of the great profit should reach me. This is due to your pure kindness and
                                      hearty-solicitude for my welfare. But, great and good Sir, several times previously
                                      have I begged to be excused about the leasing out of the Customs, the reason being
                                    j that I expected a greater return of revenue from them and that l am assured or
                                    1 the undesirability (of farming it out) to the farmers. I have therefore rcslrlc.^
                                      cd myself in taking (advances) from the said farmers, believing that on
                                      expiry of their term of farm l will appoint one who will hold the receiving ®
                                      revenue. Now in the term of their farm is left no more than some months ov
                                      a year, after which the Customs will come under my hands, and wliatc
                                      increase will result will accrue to me.

                                          Your friend begs you to accept bis excuse.
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