Page 58 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 58
48 Records of Bahrain
it. Though ibis has hcon tho case, thero is little doubt that the confiscation
of the slocks that lmvo been seized will result in tho bankruptcy of the con-,.ns they have large orders out in ndvauco which must bo mot, while tho
6alo of their woapons has of course ceased.
20. I havo not been nblo to obtain accurato information as to tho char-
nctrr of tho arms; but I think itisccrtnin ..that n largo proportion aro of
iielgin.i.mnnufaeturc, that they aro nearly ail Martinis, anil that tho ammu-
OTion is lutc'iTrtffdno^nt Martini rifles. Tho cases seized havo not vet been
opened out, and till this is done, exact returns on thoso points will not bo
80. The arms soized at Bushiro havo been sont to Tehran, and X am
informed that they havo passed Shiraz, and it is cxpoclcd that they will arrivo
iu ubout 2£ months1 time.
Camp Khane Zbnian; M. J, MEADE,
Dated lGlh Ifay 1898. ] Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
Q‘ °* r,<"* E1“k-Ne, C-ll if, D.-234-C&-0J.