Page 163 - مجلة دلمون العدد 25 يونيو 2019م
P. 163

The Slavery

             Zanzibar between 1830 and 1873.                  law of 1838 was promulgated for prevent the
             In the 19th century, most of the African         right to possess slaves in all British colonies
             slaves were exported from East Africa to         overseas, including the Arabian Gulf region.
             the Arabian Gulf through Sur and Muscat,         British confirmation of the ninth clause of
             then from there to the ports of Sharjah,         what was then called the “General Treaty
             Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, Bandar Abbas,             with the Arab peoples in the Gulf of Persia
             Um Alqowein, Lengah, and Basra. The bulk         in 1820” or the Treaty on Permanent Peace:
             of the slave labor in the Arabian Gulf after     “The plundering of the slaves, women and
             their purchase was concentrated in the work      children in the coast of Sudan or elsewhere,
             like, soldiers, farmers, sailors in vessels,     and carrying them in boats, is considered
             or served in villages and cities at the rich     a looting and raids, Arabs interests do
             classes families, or in the profession of pearl  nothing from it”. British authorities in the
             diving.                                          Arabian Gulf, through an agreement called
             The British colonial authorities from their      the “Slave Trade of 1847”, tightened the
             location in India and the Arabian Gulf           anti-slave trade measures and signed them
             decided to development of laws and               with the sheikhs of the Arabian Gulf regions
             conventions to eliminate the slave trade. The    under their control or protection.

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