Page 164 - مجلة دلمون العدد 25 يونيو 2019م
P. 164

The Slavery

their eye witness accounts to abolitionist      Zanzibar and the Arabs slaves trade
literature, also made a major contribution to   Zanzibar was the country of cloves, the most
the abolition campaign.                         important centers for the export of slaves
Equiano, was one of the most prominent black    from East Africa to all the ports and cities
campaigners in the anti-slavery campaign.       of the shores of the Indian Ocean and the
He was an ex-slave who, by the 1780s,           Arabian Gulf.
lived as a free man in London. He is mostly     In the period 1800-1870, it has been
remembered for his 1789 autobiography. It       estimated that between 6-20 thousand
tells of his kidnap in Nigeria, his being sold  slaves has been sent to the Arabian Gulf and
into slavery, his journey to the West Indies,   India. Moreover, just in seven years between
his life as a slave and his struggle to buy     1870 and 1876, about 300,000 slaves were
his freedom. Between 1789 and 1794, there       sent to the Arabian Gulf and India. In general,
were nine editions of his book, that became     more than 2 million slaves were sent to the
the most popular and widely read, and it was    Arabian Peninsula and the Arabian Gulf from
translated into many languages.

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