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the said coast and islands by the said order and with the previous assent of the Secretary of
State for India, the Governor-General in Council is pleased to appoint Mr. Julius Franz
Frederick Wilhelm Passmann, Director of Persian Gulf Telegraphs, to be a Magistrate of
the first class within the local limits of the Telegraph stations of Jask and Charbar and
along the alignment of telegraph between these two places being within the local limits of
the said coast and islands, and under section 22 of the said Code of Criminal Procedure to
appoint him to be a Justice of the Peace within the above local limits.
380. These powers have been successively conferred on the officers who have
been Directors.
381. By Notification, dated 26th October 1900, the Government of India,
under the authority of section 8 of the
External A., November 1900. N01. 41*48.
Persian Coast and Island’s Order in Council
and section 12 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and with the previous assent
of the Secretary of State for India, appointed Lieutenant Hunt to be a Magistrate
of the first class within the limit of the town and suburbs of the Bandar Abbas
and the islands subordinate thereto.
By a notification of the same date, the Government of India, under the
authority of section 23 of the Order in Council and sections 22, 24 and 28 of the
Bombay Civil Courts Act, 1869, and with the previous consent of the Secretary of
State, appointed Lieutenant Hunt to be a first class Subordinate Judge within the
same limits and invested him with Small Cause Court powers up to Rs. 500.
382. Similar Criminal and Civil powers were conferred upon the successors
of Lieutenant Hunt who came out as Vice-Consuls.
383. By Notification No. 604-E.A., dated 10th February 1905, Lieutenant
William Shakespear, His Britannic Majes
External A., February 1905, Noj. 132*138.
ty’s Consul at Bandar Abbas was appointed
a Magistrate of the first class within the limits of the town and suburbs of
Bandar Abbas, Minab, the Shamliat, Lingah and the Shibkoh ports of the coast
of Persia eastward as far as Gwettar and all the Islands belonging to Persia in
the eastern portion of the Persian Gulf.
And by Notification No. 6o6*E. A., dated toth February 1905, the same
officer was appointed first class Sub-Judge with Small Cause powers up to Rs.
500 within the same limits.
It will be seen that the limits of judicial jurisdiction of the British Officers at
Bandar Abbas were extended by the notifications beyond those of his predeces
(li). Vice-Consulate at Mohammerah: Control over the—, 1890.
384. In June 1890 the Foreign Office, London, appointed Mr. McDouall,
Vice-Consul at Mohammerah, placing
Secret E., december 1890, Nos. 18*24.
him under the superintendence of the
.Consul-General at Bushire. To meet this purpose a fresh commission was
issued to the Political Resident in the Gulf appointing him Consul-General for the
Province of Pars and Khuzistan and for the Coast and Islands of the Persian
Gulf within the dominions of Persia ” (Foreign Office to the Resident, No. 4,
dated 14th June 1890).
385. The Government of India at the same time held that the Consular
Officer at Mohammerah should exercise
External A, January 1894, Nos. w 9*142.
External A., June 1691, Nos. 95*96. jurisdiction subject to the provisions of the
Persia Order in Council, 1889, and that he and the territory comprised within
his district are outside the scope of the Persian Coast and Island's Order in
Council" (Secretary of State for India’s letter to Colonel Ross, No. 2445*E., dated
20th November 1890).
(fi-A.) The Persia (Regulations)^Order in Council, 1901.
385*A. An Order in Council, styled “ the Persia (Regulations) Order in
e.u™j a., me, ,90,, No,. 9,-9,. Council, 1901," was issued on 9<h Febru-
ary 1901, to apply to all places within the