Page 256 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 256
(1H) Reports on the operation of the Persian Coast and Island’s Order in Council,
«86 The following statement summarises the reports of the Resident in
the Gulf on the operation of the order, submitted as required by article 59 :—
Vice-Admiralty Other cases. British subjects Court fees and
Year Civil cases. Criminal cases. cases. registered. fines levied.
4th August I (Small 1 Nil Nil 10 Europeans, tea Rs. 7*4*0
1 Spo to 13th cause). British Indians. 77-1*0
December (fines).
3 (Criminal breach 1 (Case of colli Nil 1 European, 4 Bri
l$9> 5 tish Indians. 13*5-0
of trust, as sion). 50-0-0
1893 3 Nil ... Nil Nil 9 Europeans and Rs. 18-3-0
Eurasians, I Bri
tish Indian.
3 British subjects 4 Europeans, 173 Rs. 8-8-0 (fees).
1894 2 3 (1 hurt, 3 inti Nil
midation by an died—one at Lin- British Indians.
Afghan subject). gah and two at
Hushiic, leaving
1895 7 1 (Hurt) Nil Nil 3 Europeans, 6 Rs. 138-13-0
British Indians.
1S96 3 1 (Rioting) Nil Nil 13 Europeans, 3 R/V V 26s*»4*7
British Indians. (fees).
*897 Nil Nil Nil Nil 17 British Indians. Rs. 43-8-0
3 Europeans, Cj
1898 Nil Nil Nil Nil
British Indians.
1899 l Effects of the late
Mr. Campbell,
who died at Bu*
shire, transmit
ted to the Ad
ministrator Gen
eral, Bombay.
1900 Nil l (Breach of Nil 3 Europeans, 48
trust). British Indians.
1901 1 I (Murder, ac Nil A Hindu Guru Nil Rs. 78-13-0
cused discharge having died on (fees).
ed) Mckran coast in
1S97 without
next-of-kin, his
effects adminis
tered by the
Directors of Per
sian Gulf Tele
1909 1 ND Nil Application for 2 Europeans, 3 Rs. 36 (fees).
administration British Indians.
of estate of a
deceased British
subject who
died at Bushire
in 1903.
1903 Nil I (Criminal, inti Nil Nil 56 British Indians
midation and
1904 a Nil Nil 3 cases of adminis 3 Europeans, 8 Rs. 18-C (fees).
tration of estates, British Indians.
one of an Euro
pean British sub
ject and two of
British Indians.