Page 284 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
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                  511. The Resident telegraphed on the subject to Her Britannic Majesty’s
              Minister on the !2th December and wrote on the 17th.
                  On the 14th January the Minister replied that the Amin-cs-Sultan had
              telegraphed to the Governor-General of Pars “ that the necessary steps should
              be taken for the capture of the perpetrators and the restoration of the stolen
                  512.  On the 4th February however the British Agent at Shiraz reported that
              the Governor-General denied having received such orders, but promised to
              write about the case to the headmen of the Arabs and Baharlus. The British
              Agent anticipated that this would do no good, and that it would be difficult to
              recover  the property. Under these circumstances the Resident on the 18th
              February 1893 suggested to Her Britannic Majesty’s Minister that the value of
              the goods should be paid at once by the Government of Pars, and that.the ques­
              tion of its ultimate recovery should stand over for future settlement. To this
              His Excellency the Minister replied on the 25th March 1893 that he had been
              in communication with the Nizam-es-Sultaneh, the new Governor-General of
              Fars, and had been assured that it would be promptly settled.
                  513.  In July and September the Resident enquired by telegram through the
              British Agent at Shiraz how this case stood. The Nizam-es-Sultaneh replied
              that Fath Ali Khan, Governor of Laristan, had received special orders to settle
              the case, but would necessarily need time to get to the sea coast. The
              Nizam-es-Sultaneh also observed that further information should be obtained
              through the Resident as to which Arabs were concerned in the robbery, when
              and where it occurred, and so on. Kishendass Marwarid has therefore been
              asked to furnish such details ; but it has never been doubted hitherto that the
              robbers were Arabs, who were plundering the country generally, and that the
              robbery occurred at Tang-i-Zindan (rather to the North of Minau near Bandar
              Abbas) in November 1892.

              Complaint against MUHAMMAD Hussain Begfate Governor of Bandar Abbas.
               Case of Au bin Hussain, a subject of the Trucial Chief of Ras-el-Khayma.
                 514.  On the 27th February 1893 Residency Agent at Shargah forwarded
              to the Resident a complaint from the Trucial Chief of Ras-el-Khayma to the
              following effect.
                 515.  Ali bin Hussain, a native of the island of Zaab and a subject of the
              Chief of Ras-el-Khayma was the owner of a vessel. In January last at Rams
              on the Arab coast he took on board a man called Hussainoo and his servant as
              passengers for Bandar Abbas. When the ship arrived at Khor Khawair,
              Hussainoo complained that two hundred rupees had been taken from his box
              and that his servant was missing. Search was made for the money, but no
              trace of it was found, nor was there any suspicion of the servant having been
              made away with.
                 The obvious inference was that the servant had stolen the money and
              disappeared. Hussainoo evidently thought so ; for it is on record that he went
              to Rams and Sham on the Arab coast in search of his servant, and at Rams
              informed his host, Abdul Azeez, that, while on a voyage to Bandar Abbas, his
              servant had robbed him of his money and disappeared at Khor Khawair, and
              that he (Hussainoo) was then hunting for the servant.
                  516.  The vessel proceeded on the journey from Khor Khawair to Bandar
              Abbas, but was driven into Khasab (on the Arab coast) by stress of weather:
              here Hussainoo made a statement, which was recorded before the Chief of
              Khasab, exonerating Ali bin Hussain and his crew, and renouncing all claim
              against them in respect of the loss. When the weather cleared the ship put
              out again and reached Bandar Abbas.
                  5*7- At Bandar Abbas, Hussainoo, who appears to be a friend of the Muj-
              tahid there, lodged a complaint before the then Deputv Governor, Muhammad
              Hussajn Beg, against Ali bin Hussain. The Deputy Governor thereupon beat
              Ah bin Hussain, imprisoned him for 15 days, sold the cargo of fish in his ship,
              and connscated the proceeds besides Rs. 200 in cash, which were made over to
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