Page 286 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 286


               Complaint against the BENI MALIK tribe on the coast wider the administration
                           of PATH Ali Khan, Beg ler Begi of Laris l an.
                       Case of Am niN Darwish, a subject of the Chief of Bahrein.
                  521. In April 1893 Ali bin Darwish, a Bahrein subject, went in his ship
               from Bahrein to Tibbin on the Laristan coast, and, after taking a considerable
               cargo there, started to return to Bahrein in the middle of May. But he   was
               caught in a storm, forced to put back to shore, and eventually his vessel  was
               stranded off the village of Bisatin.
                  Here it was plundered by the Bini Malik tribe, who carried off cargo and
               gear to the value of nearly 5,000 krans (=R. 2,000). Bisatin is said to be  a
               village of the district of Gaobandi under Shaik Hasan bin Shaikh Mazkur,
              and subordinate to Path Ali Khan, Bcgler Begi of Laristan. The complaint of
               Ali bin Darwish was forwarded to the Residency by the Chief of Bahrein.
                  521.  On the 13th July 1893 the Officiating Resident (Major Sadler) repre­
               sented the case to the Nizam-es-Sultaneh, Governor-General of Fars, and
              requested that prompt measures might be taken to punish the robbers, recover
              the property plundered, and compensate the owners.
                  In the same letter mention was made of the earlier Tibbin case of Esa bin
              Hamada against the Beni Malik. So far as correspondence between the Resi­
              dent and the Nizam-es-Sultaneh is concerned, the further history of this  case
              will be found in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the note on the Tibbin case.
                  522.  On the 12th July 1893 the Officiating Resident also telegraphed as
              follows to Her Britannic Majesty’s Minister at Tehran with special reference to
              the case of Ali bin Darwish:—
                 "Another case occurred. Bahrein boat attacked after stranding In jurisdiction of
              Governor of Lar by Beni Malik. Property stolen valued nearly 5,000 krans. I request
              that Governor-General of Fars may be directed to take prompt measures in matter. He has
              been addressed by me.
                 In consequence, it would seem, of this telegram and the representations of Her
              Britannic Majesty’s Minister, the Sadr Azam telegraphed to the Saad-ul-Mulk, Governor
              of Fars and of the ports on the coasts, directing him '* to act in conjunction with the
              Resident for the restoration of the goods plundered by the Bani Malik from a wrecked
              British India vessel.’’
                  523.  On the 17th July 1892 the Saad-ul-Mulk replied to the Sadr Azam in
              a telegram of which the translation is as follows;—
                 " I have received Your Excellency’s telegram regarding the wreck of a British boat
             • about which a representation was made to Your Excellency. As however the particular
              port where the accident took place was not mentioned, I telegraphed the original
              telegram to Haji Mirza Abdulla Khan, Karguzar of Bushire, and in conformity with Your
              Excellency's orders urged upon him the necessity of having the goods plundered from
              the boat restored with the cognizance of the Residency if they belong to British subjects.
              I have also asked him to report the circumstances of the case for Your Excellency’s

               Complaint against Khalfan Bin Ahmed Khan, a subordinate of the
                     Chief of Asalu (near Cafe Naband) on the coast of Laristan,
                        Case of Sultan bin Kasim al Howli of Bahrein.
                 524.  Early in September last a vessel belonging to Sultan bin Kasim al
             Howli went from Bahrein to the Persian coast for trading purposes. Owing to
             bad weather the vessel had to put into the port of Bistano. While the vessel
             was at anchor there on the 7th September was boarded and captured
             by one Khalfan bin Ahmed Khalfan, a dependent of the Chief of Asalu (near
             Naband), who is a subordinate and deputy of Fath Ali Khan, Begler Begi of
             Laristan. The robbers carried off the boat, which is valued at 3*000 krans, to
             Asalu, and also property in it valued at Rs. 850.
                 525.  The owner of the boat at once complained to the Chief of Bahrein, who
             forwarded the complaint to the Resident. On the 21st October the British
             Agent at Shiraz was requested to bring the case to the notice of the Governor-
             General of Fais with a view to obtaining redress ; and the British Agent
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