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to the main building. Resistance was out of the question, and the mob, after
effecting the wreck of these marks, proceeded to the tidal observatory by
the sea, where they similarly destroyed the tidal level record. The outrage
which was instigated by the Saiyids was in pursuance of a vulgar superstition that
these record marks had been the cause of the deficient rainfall. A certain
I number of ignorant villagers were caught and punished, but the ringleader Saiyids
permitted to evade all punishment, and the Governor showed no disposition
to afford adequate redress for the gross outrage, affront, and danger which had
been wantonly caused. It was only after his departure and the close of the year
fhat the mutilated scientific records were formally replaced.
(Ixxxiv) Outrage on the British Residency at Bushire (Sabzabad), August 1900.
591. On the 31st August 1900 a serious outrage was committed at the
British Residency at Sabzabad. In the
Gulf Administration Report for 1900-01.
3 Secret E., January 1901, Nos. 30-38. middle of the night a party of men
surrounded the Residency and commenced
a fusillade. The firing lasted only a few minutes, and fortunately occasioned no
loss of life, although there must undoubtedly have been some narrow escapes, as
the Residency and the servants’ quarters were struck by bullets. One of the
horses belonging to the Resident’s escort was killed. Strong protests were at
once made, and the Darya Begi, who had reported to his Government that the
outrage was committed by certain members of the Tangistani tribe, instigated by
a merchant of Bushire, known as the Nazem-ut-Tujjar and a notorious intriguer,
was ordered to lead an expedition against the Tangistanis.
592. The expedition appears to have been conducted in accordance with the
usual Persian methods. Having collected a large force from among the warlike
tribes in the vicinity of Bushire, the Darya Begi set out against Tangistani. The
greater portion of the tribe appears to have submitted to him without delay, but
he experienced a certain amount of opposition from some of the sections of the
tribe who were notorious for their bad conduct. This opposition was overcome
without much difficulty, and having pillaged and laid waste the country, His
Excellency returned to Bushire. Two or three of the Tangistanis were killed, but
most of those who were “wanted” on account of their complicity in the attack on
the Residency and other crimes managed to effect their escape into the neighbour
ing hills, where a secure refuge may always be had. There is no doubt that the
tribe had received a severe lesson, in proof of which might be noted the fact that
the road through the Tangislan district, which had been closed to caravans for
some time past owing to the lawlessness of the tribe, now became safe.
(lxxxv) Persian Passport Regulations, 1900-ox.
593. On 1 st March 1900 the Persian
External A., September 1900, Nos. i-6.
Government issued new Passport Regula
tions in regard to Persians desiring to travel in foreign countries and foreigners
entering Persian territory.
As to foreigners Section 7 provides :—
“ If foreign subjects who enter Persia have their passports duly ‘ visaed ' by a Persian
Consul or a Chancellor, the passport officials or the frontier officials are not to demand any
payment from them, but if the passports of such travellers have not been visaed, if the
traveller is a Turkish subject, a double fee shall be taken by the rule of reciprocity ; but if
he be a subject of any other friendly power, a single fee (12 krans, but krans in case of
labourers and artizans) from him and the passport visad.
594. This regulation, it was pointed out by Captain Kemball, would cause
much inconvenience to fakirs and others who came from India without passports
and were unable to pay the-tax. It was also pointed out that in case of Persian
subjects, of whom a large number was taken as coolies to Basrah by Shipping
Companies, the fee of two tomans each for each passport was too high, negotiations
were therefore begun with the Persian Government for reducing the fee.