Page 321 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 321
Introduction of Belgian Customs Administration and new Tariff,
(xcviii) Introduction of Belgian Customs Administration, 1899-1902.
669. We have seen above how the customs management of Bushire was
transferred to the Imperial Bank of Persia
Gulf Administration Report for 1899*1500, page 3.
in April 1898 and withdrawn in August
the same year. The customs were then farmed by the Darya Begi, who sublet
the Hamal-Bashiship or control of lighters and porters to various individuals,
whose sole object was to make as much as they could out of their concession.
The result was that complaints of thefts and pilfering were incessant, but it was
found impossible to obtain any satisfaction from the Governor, whose creatures
the Hamal-Bashis were.
670. On the 21st March 1900 the control of the customs was taken under
the direct managament of the Persian
Administration Report for igooot.
Government. M. Simais, formerly Commer
cial Attach^ of the Belgian Legation at Tehran, arrived in Bushire and took up
his appointment as “ Director-General of the Customs of Fars,” acting under
the orders of M. Naus, the Belgian Minister of Customs at Tehran. Other
Belgian officials arrived, and the administration of the customs at Bushire, Lingah
and Bandar Abbas was formally assumed. As was only to be expected, the new
administration, which interfered with so many vested interests, experienced at the
outset considerable opposition. At first it was intended to impose a uniform
import duty of 5 per cent, ad valorem on all goods imported into Persia by the
native merchants instead of the hitherto prevailing specific rates. This proposal,
however, was stoutly opposed, and the native merchants of Bushire and Shiraz
refused to clear their goods from the customs house. For a month or more
business was entirely suspended, and goods imported remained uncleared. Both
in Bushire and Shiraz the excitement was considerable, and it was feared that
serious disturbances would occur. The Persian Government, therefore, decided
to introduce a new tariff on a sliding scale, which would be more favourable to
the native merchants than the proposed 5 per. cent. rate. This tariff was also
opposed, but the Persian Government remained firm, and by the first week in
August the new tariff came into force. Since then matters progressed smoothly,
and the customs administration succeeded in bringing into force the 5 per cent,
rate for all native owned goods. Native merchants and foreigners were now,
therefore, on the same footing as regards the payment of duty.
671. So far as the interests of European merchants were concerned, the
establishment of the Belgian Customs Administration at the Gulf ports was
entirely beneficial, and various improvements were effected.
672. From the point of view of the Persian Government, the new system of
customs management resulted in a large increase of revenue. From a return, which
the Director-General was good enough to give the Resident, his administration in
the Gulf succeeded in bringing in an income of 3, 947,000 krans, a considerable
increase over the sum of • krans 2,400,000 for which the customs were formerly
673. In 1901 the customs of Charbar and Gwettur, which had hitherto been
C:ulf Administration Report fo r 1901*02. farmed by British Indian subjects, were
Secret E., June 1901, Nos. 667-69. taken over by the Belgian administration.
674. The Belgians attempted to bring Mohammerah and the Karun river
within their new customs administration:
Secret E., June 1901, Nos. 233*34.
but were met with much opposition from
the Shaik of Mohammerah and his Arabs. As regards the settlement of these
questions, see Arabistan Prdcis, chapter IX.