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           bo arranged to take place as soon ns order was restororl and satisfaction given for
           Mr. Graves’ murder (Mr. Hardin go's telegram, dated 25th December 1897
           to the Government of India).
               170. With reference to this telegram, the Secretary of Stato telegraphed to
           tlio Viceroy on 27tl> Decomber 1897—
               “ Can you sen'! to Clmrbar and Jask tlio detachment of Native Infantry, and would the7
           euffitro ? If not, what force would you suggest ? Have you any observation to mako on th«
           policy which, having regard to British Indian interest*, commercial, telegraph and political,
           it is dcsirablo that wo should consider or follow if matters in Persian Baluchistan came to a
           crisis ?’
               177. The roply of the Government of India, dated 4th January 1898,
               “ We are prepared to send 100 mon to Charbar uiul 60 men to Jask for protection of
           telegraph staff at those places. Above strength should suffice for purely defensive purposes.
           I caouot reply without further consideration regarding extent of British inuian interests in
           Persian Baluchistan, but effective military intervention or occupation coni a not Le attempted
           by the Government of India with the forces nou> at disposal.”
               178.  Onohundred rifles, 21st Bombay Infantry, wore accordingly sent
           from Bombay for Charbar and 50 for Jask, on 9th January 1898, under the
           command of Lieut. Creagh and Lieut.-Waller, respectively.
               179.  Mr. Hardingo telegraphed on 20th January 1898 that ho had agreed
                                          to the transfer to the Hapch of suoh
                     Noe. 75-7G.
                                          Indian troops as could ho spared from
           Jask and Charbar, and that ho proposed at Colonel Meade’s urgent request to
           authorize him to employ a party of Indian sepoys in supporting Persian troops
           in destruction of the property of tho tribesmen, because Mr. Graves* murderers
           had not been surrendered. The Government of India replied on 21st January
           approving of the employment of Indian troops to guard the telegraph camp on
           tlio llapch, as it was understood that the presence of the telegraph officer there
           was unnecessary ; but at the time they informed Sir A. Hardingo that they
           could not agree to Indian troops being used to enforce against the offending
           tribe the authority of the Persian Government or to carry out punitive
           measures for tohich the Persian Government were responsible.
               180.  The detachments at Charbar and Jask were reduced to 80 men at cacli
                                          place in April 1898, as the situation was
                      Ibid No. 145.
                                          improving (Residents* telegram to the
           Government of India, dated 30th April 1898).
               181. When Sir A. Hardingo mentioned to the Mushir-ed-Dowlah the fact
           of the move of our troops to Jask and Charbar, and the intended despatch of
           a portion of them to the Rapoh river, tho latter remained silent and raised no
           objection to our proceedings.
           (IV) Unauthorized action of Commander Baker of the “ Sphinx ” in landing a force a$
               Cutaf in Persian territory and proceeding with it to llapch in February 1S9S.
               182.  Tho facts of tins incident are as follows : The Persian Government
                                          having sent a force to exact reparation for
           8oo. E, August ls98, Nos. 11—237 (No. 228).
                                          the murder of Mr. Graves, and the tribes
           having assumed a threatening attitude, a request for the lauding of an armed
           party for the defence of the telegraph station at Knpch was sent, at tho
           instance of Her Majesty’s Chargd d’AlTairos at Teheran, by the Resident at
           Bushire, to tho Commander of tier Majesty’s ship Redbreast, on the 9th
           February 1898. A force of 29 men with a machine gun was in consequence
           landed at Galag and proceeded to Itapch, under Commander Eraser, of Her
           Majesty*8 ship Cossack.
              183.  On the 12th Commander Eraser telegraphed from Rapch to Com­
           mander Baker at Jask, stating that lie learnt from Mr. Campbell, the. telegraph
           em ploy6, that the Government of India had objections to the employment of
           British troops for anything but defensive purposes, that the Commander of the
           Persian force on the spot intended to recommence on tho 14th the cutting
           down of date trees as a punitivo measure, that- tho Baluchis were collecting
          in considerable numbers, and if the Persians suffered a reverse, reinforcements
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