Page 427 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
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                                     CHAPTER XII.

             Changes in payment of Telegraph subsidy. Settlement of outstanding
                   claims of the British Indian Subjects against Pcrso-Baluch
                   Chiefs. Arrest of the remaining two murderers of Mr. Craves.
                   Detachment at Jnsk and Charbar. Deaths of several Chiefs.

                 201. The above matters form tbe subject of an interesting report of Mr

             once is therefore printed in extenso below :—

                               No. 171, doted Butliire, the 12th November 1899.
                     From—Tho Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf,
                     To—The Secretory to the Government of Indio in tho Foreign Deportment.
                I have the honour to forward, for the information of tho Government of India, a copy of
                                           the despatch, marginally noted, which I have
              No. 114, dated 11th November 1899, and
             enclosures.                   addressed to Her Majesty's Minister at Tehran,
                                           submitting reports from Mr. Sealy, the Officer in
             Political charge of the Met ran Coast, and Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs, on the subject
             of redistribution of the Telegraph subsidies paid to local Chiefs, and other matters dealt with
             by him during his visit to Charbar in March last.

                               No. 114, dated Bushire, the 11th November 1899.
                     From—Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General for Fars and Khuzistan,
                     To—His Excbllbnct Sib H. Mobtimeb Pubamd. K.C.S.I., KC.I.E., Her Britannic Majesty'a
                            Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at tbe Court of Hia Majesty tbe
                            Shah of Pernio, Tehran.
                I have the honour to forward, for Your Excellency's information, copies of the marginally
                                           noted letters addressed to me by Mr. G. Sealy,
                 No- 93-P., dated 17th June 1899.
                 No. 126-P., dated 18th August 1899.  Director of the Persian Gulf Section, Indo-
                                           European Telegraph Department, on the subject
             (a) of the annual payment of presents by the Telegraph Department to the Chiefs of the
             Persian Mekran Coast; (is) of tho arrest of the remaining two murderers of the late
             Mr. Graves, and (sis) of the settlement of the outstanding claim of British Indian traders   :
             against the Chiefs of the Mekran Coast-
                2. On tho subject of the payment of presents to the local Chiefs it does not appear
             necessary for me to make any remarks. The proposals for the redistribution of the subsidies
             were framed and submitted by Mr. B. T. Ffinch, tho Director-in-Chief of the Indo-
             European Telegraph Pepaitment, to Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for India, who approved
             of them, the Government of India concurring, and Mr. Sealy has by now received from
             Mr. Ffinch intimation of his approval of the distribution of the presents he made amongst the
             various Chiefs and headmen in December last.
                S. I would, however, endorse M r. Sealy's remarks on the subject of the impropriety of
             the Gcb subsidy going indirectly into \ho treasury of the Persian Governor of Bampur, as
             thb payment is quite distinct from the subsidy of III 2,000 paid annually by the Telegraph
             Department to the Persian Government, and was intended to be the direct reward of the
             local Chief for the protection of the line passing through his territory. 1 would recommend
             that the Persian Government be told that they have no right whatever to expect to receive
             any portion of this subsidy and that the Telegraph Department will only pay it, distributing
             it amongst such of ihe local headmen as it thinks will further its own interests best, when
             satisfied with the manner in which the latter are performing their portion of the compact   i
             made with the Department.
                4. A report which, however, requires continuation has just been received of the
            death of Sardar Husain Khan of Geh at Scrbaz. 'ibis, if true, coupled with the facts of
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