Page 431 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 431


               30. It will bo seen from this report that a full settlement could not bo effected with the
           Mamoor as tho Mamoor was not empowered to act except in tho matter of the Dashtyari
           claims and even these would not have been Bottled if it had not been for Sardcr Mowladad
           Khau. Tho Mamoor to all appearance left everything to Mowladad K1  tan  and did only what
           Mowladad Khau suggested.
               37. A number <■£ old eases and those received after submission of the list to you  are still
           in abeyanco against tho Gch and Uashtyari Districts. Besides these the three principal  cares,
                  (1)  Tho Gwetter murder care (sco correspondence ending with telegram, words 70,
                       dated lbtli . uly 1808) ;
                  (2)  The Pizak abduction cane  (see correspondence ending with letter No. 91-P.,
                       dated 17th May 1897) j
                  (3)  The unlawful seizure of property of a British Indian trader by Mir Adam of
                       Pi.shin (see correspondence ending with your letter No. 363, dated 12th July

           could not bo settled as the Mamoor had no power.
               38. As it is important that all these oases should he settled as early as possible, I would
           suggest that the Persian Sartip of Barapur with full powers to deal with every care should
           meet me when 1 next visit ihe Mckran Coast and to facilitate matters would suggest that
           full enquiries be made on the spot in every case and the report kept ready for this'official's
               S9. In conclusion, I would beg to point out that the detachment of troops stationed at
           Jash and Charbar have had an excellent effect on tho country in general, aud that, as there
           now appears to be no objection on the part of the Persiau Government lo the presence of these
           garrisons, I would suggest that they bo perniauenlly established, and as these troops afford
           protection both to the Telegraph Department and to the British Indian tradets, I consider that
           the cost of maintaining them there should be borne equally by the Telegraph and the Political
               40. I am happy to remark that the Mekran Coast urder my charge has so far escaped
           infection from plague. The poople of Mekran have suffered a great deal from the last three   ' !
           years’ drought, but since the heavy rainfall in February last, I am glad to say, there appears
           to be every hope of the condition of the country improving. Large number of Baluchis from
           the Coast and interior flecked to Karachi during tho last six mouths, but many are uow   i
           returning to tlieir homes.

               P.S.—Since the above was written the Clerk in charge, Charbar, has reported that Sardar
           Abdi Khan has boon released by the Persians and arrived at his village in Dashtyari in May

                                         No. 1.

               I                     do hereby agree to afford all protection within the District
           of               of which I am the Chief (or as the case may be) to the telegraph line
           passing through the said distiiot and similarly to affoid all protection and assistance to tho
           Director of the Indo-European Telegraph Department, Persian Gulf Section, his Assistants
           and men while permanently or temporarily living in or passing through the said district; the
           aforesaid officers and men shall be protected by me from any ill-treatment at the bands of the
           natives, and I further agree to give them every faoility in tho discharge of their duties should
           they apply to me for same.
               In consideration of my agreeing to afford the protection and assistance aforesaid, the
           Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs, has agreed and docs hereby agree to compensate me by
           giving me a present annually of Its.   payable by tw’o instalments, t'iz., one in the month
           of April aud the other in November.
               Should I, the said              fail to carry out my part of this agreement
           and should theroby the tolegrapb line be damnged or the Telegraph officials and men be
           ill-treated or looted in my district, not only shall I not be entitled to receive the present as
           stated above, but the Director, Persian Gulf Tcdegraphs, shall be entitled to make good from
           the amount of tho said present auy loss or damage that the telegraph line or ho or his officers
           and men may incur through my failure to abide by this agreement and ho shall be at Iibcity
           to withhold the present until such time as ho thinks fit to renew it.
               Dated this
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