Page 440 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 440

                      Mahomed) reportod that Abdul Aziz had called on him to furnish 300 men to
                      attack Din Mahomed, and lie offered to place himself at Turki’s disposal in
                      view to preventing Aziz’s maroh.
                          227. The Political Agent* at Mnslcat, who was consulted on the mattor,
                       • From Poliiieal ARont, Mn»kat, to Resident in advised Soyyid to discountenance Din
                      Persian Gulf, No. 407, dated mi. August 1671. Mahomed s proceedings, and not to accopt
                                                   the services which the Baluck Chief swcrc
                      thrusting upon him, ns it would he both unbecoming and impolitic for him to
                      bo forced into a premature rupture with Abdul Aziz. When this came to
                                                   Colonel Polly’s notice, ho toldf the
                        t No. 946*947, dated 2Sth August 1871.
                                                   Political Agent that when a reference
                      wa9 mado to him concerning the districts of Gwadur, etc., his best plan would
                      bo to say that he had no instructions in regard to thoso placos, and thoroforc
                     could not commit himself to any opinion. Colonel Pelly at the same time drow
                      the Agent’s attention to paragraph di of the letter from tho Government
                                                   of India to tho Bombay Government,
                             I 8.1. No. 808 of 1871.
                                                   No. 1238-P.J dated 16th Juno 1871, which
                     requested that the Agent at Maskat might be instructed to bo careful to make
                     no reference to the former dependencies of Maskat, or the Mekran Coast, or to
                     Bunder Abbas, or to the Zanzibar subsidy, as no orders could bo passed on these
                     subjects, till the views thereon of Her Majesty’s Government wore received.
                                                     228. The Bombay Government with its
                         § No. 4999, dated 18th October 1871.  forwarding letter§ drew’ attention to our
                                                   No. 1238-P., and remarked that—
                     “ it would be of great advantage if the present Sultan of Maskat were placed in the same
                     position as regards both Mekran and Bunder Abbas as his predecessors.
                         229. In the meantime|| Turki had addressed the Political Agent, and,
                                                   after observing that ho had taken his
                              || 6th August 1871.
                                                   advice with reference to Din Mahomed’s
                     proceedings, suggested that as Abdul Aziz held Gw’adur and Charbar without
                     his authority, the British Government should turn him out. Seyyid Turki said
                     that he was loath to take this step himself, as he did not wish to disturb the
                     country. On this occasion the Agent carried out the instructions contained
                     in Foreign Department letter No. 1238-P., dated 16th June 3871, which had
                                                  •been sent to him through Colonel Pelly
                      H Vide letter, dated 22ud August 1871.  with regard to the answer^" to ho given
                      ••To Bombay Government, No. 1018—208,
                     dated 12th September 1871.    to Seyyid Turki. Colonel Pelly, of course,
                                                  approved of this course.**
                                                    230. When he reported ft Turki’s
                         ft No. 493, dated 22nd August 1871.
                                                  request, the Political Agent said :—
                        “ I believe this is the first official statement of the present Governor of Maskat disavowing
                     the authority of Seyyid Abdool Azccz at the places referred to.
                        “The latter left Maskat with the knowledge of His Highness for Gwadur, but he was
                     allowed to proceed, I thiuk, because be was considered dangerous here.”
                         The Political Agent also suggested that the Commissioner in Sind should
                     be acquainted with the whole case, and instruct his Assistant on the Mekran
                     Coast accordingly.
                         231. The Bombay Government, when it transmitted the above news,
                                                   observed that as Seyyid Turki had been
                        XX No. 6121, dated 25th October 187L
                                                   recognized as Ruler of Maskat, his power
                     should be consolidated. With this object in mind, it recommended the removal
                     of the restriction which prevents Turki sending vessels and men to Gwadur
                     and Charbar. It was further of opinion that—
                     “the whole matter might be settled if the gun-boat Hugh Hose were sent to Gwadur, and an
                     intimation made to His Highness Abdool Azeez that we recognized Gwadur as the possession
                     of the Sultan of Maskat."
                        The presence of the gun-boat would also, tho Bombay Government thought,
                     prevent any attempt on the part of the Aziz to cross over and join Ibrahim bin
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