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from Ibrahim, and I believe it is by their instigation that this enterprise was undertaken, ns it
was in their boat ho ombarkod. No disturbances whatever have yet occurred."
In forwarding this report Sir W. Morowcther says:—
,f A telegram from tho Director, Mokran Coast, and Submarine Telegraph, mentions that
Deon Mahomed and Abdool Azeez had come to terms. The former agrees to retire, and leave
tho latter in possession of Charbar, pending reference to tho Sultan of Maskat.”
243. Lastly, tho Bombay Government telegraphed on tho 12th that the
Commissioner in Sind had sent a tolegram to tho following offect:—
‘‘Captain Miles.reports Ibrahim Khan writes to Abdool Azcez to come to Kussurkund to
mako terms; havo told Captain Miles not to interfere pending instructions."
244. Tho following telegrams wore then received :—
From Political Secretary, Bombay, to Foreign Secretary, dated 22nd
“Commissioner in Sind telegraphs Captain Miles reports, dated to-day, Ibrahim Khan
expected at Charbar to-morrow or a day after.
• i.e., tho Persian Governor of Kirman.
Vukeel-ool-Mulk* has left him and ret imed to
Barapoor. Telegraph officers and British subjects may require protection. Havo told Captain
Miles not to interfere; would ask for instructions concerning Mokran districts. Following
reply has been sent to Commissioner in Sind: Captain Miles should inform Ibrahim Khan
that Charbar has always been considered by the Government of India as belonging to Maskat
aud that tho Convention as to the boundary contains nothing in any way to alter the atatua quo
tbat'existed before; beyond this aud the protection of British subjects he should not interfere.'/
From Political Secretary, Bombay, to Foroign Secretary, dated 22nd
" Following from Colonel Pelly:—Have received subjoined telegram from Syud Abdool
Azeez, Charbar. Telegram begins: Twelve days ago received letter from Ibrahim Khan
Bampoor, stating Charbar belonged to Persia, and if I bad any terms to make, to meet him
at Kussurkund ; when Captain Miles informed of this, lie stated Charbar did not belong to
Persia, and desired me not to make any terms, but consult Toorkee, which I did. Have not
yet received Toorkce’s answer. Persians expected to-morrow hero to attack fort. When
asking Captain Miles’ advice to-day lie informed me he caunot interfere, which had I known
previously could have made some arrangement. Kindly advise me bow to act, as am unpre
pared to meet Persians. Telegram ends."
From Commissioner in Sind to Foroign Secretary, dated 2nd February : —
“Captain Miles reports from Gwadur ns follow*:—Persians attacked and took Charbar
last night. Abdool Azeez escaped after losing several men. British traders havo been plun
dered, but to what exteut unknown yet. Have warned Persian officer against injury of persons
or property of British subjects."
245. On February 26th came more telegrams from Bombay :—
“ Commissioner in Sind telegraphs :—f Captain Miles reports British traders at Charbar
extensively plundered by Persian advance force. Ibrahim Khan now approaching. Shall I
call on him for restitution of property. I replied: Don’t interfere further please, ponding
instructions from Government. Instructions solicited "
“ Following from Commissioner in Sind, dated yesterday:—‘ Following from Captain
Miles. Ibrahim Khan replies, you state Charbar belongs Maskat, but it docs not. Charbar
belongs Mekran and Mokran belongs Teheran. Last year’s conference decidod Charbar belongs
Teheran. Your telegram forwarded to Kirman Commissioner.' Message ends. Ibrahim Khan
at Teez having left Hossein Khan in charge."
The Commissioner in Sind again telegraphed that the Charbar traders
complained of being still plundered by the soldiers and prevented removing
goods by Hossein Khan and were again asking for protection. In reply to
Captain Miles’ enquiry whottier further remonstrauce should be made, ho was
told to await Government instructions.
246. The Government of India
• No. 471-P., dated 29th Fobruary 1872.
answered • the Bombay Government:—
° Your telegram of 25th and earlier dates regarding Charbar. Mr. Alison moved to call
on Persian Government to prevent plunder of British subjects. Send gun-boat to remain and
watch events and, if necessary, give refuge to British subjects. Political Agent, Gwadur, .to
go with it and report on extent of injury done to British subjects. He should warn British
subjects to abstaiu from taking part in quarrel, but lot it bo understood he is not there for
political interference or with view to restoration of plaeo to Maskat";
and Mr. Alison was furnished with a copy of these instructions.