Page 457 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 457

                 313.  Thereupon the Government of India represented that the duties of
             tho Assistant Political Agent had boon so clearly defined as to prevent tho
             likelihood of any embarrassment being felt by him in regard to his duties. It
             ■was explained that it was his business (o abstain absolutely from interference
             in political affairs on the Mekran Coast, to report all available information to
             Government, and to be guided by the orders issued by the Government of India
             on information which he had supplied. Tho Secretary of State’s attention was
             also drawn to the fact that, when the Mekran telegraph was sanctioned, it was
             distinctly provided that every effort should bo made to prevent its being mado
             a cause of political complication.
                “ Under the above circumstances, " it was added, “ it docs not appear to us desirable to
             • No. ICO, dated 5th August 1870.—P.ocoedings ™ake any change in tho otlicial position of Captain
             Political A., August 1870, Nos. 114-1171.   lloss.”*
                314.  In January 1873 the connection botween the Governmont of
             Bombay and the Political Olficcr atGwadur was almost scverod by the direct
             assumption by tho Government of Judia of tho superintendence of tho political
             relations with Baluchistan. Captain Mocklcr’s reports were from that time
                                            submitted direct to the Poroign Depart­
                t Socrot, January 1873, Nos. 22G—231.
                                            ment by the Commissioner in Sind.f
                315. .In connection with a proposal made in 1372 to abandon the telegraph
                                           station at Gwadur on account of its alleged
                 XPolitical Ilcsiednt, Persian Gulf.
               §No. 418 -G., dated 25tb l'cbiuaty 187G.  unhealthiness, Lieutenant-Colonel Ross}:
                                           was asked $ whethor, if the stat ion were
             permanently removed to any other place on the Mekran Coast, there would, in
             his judgment, be any objection to the transfer of the Assistant Political Agent
                                           to the same locality. Colonel Boss replied ||
                ||No.26G-51, dated 18th March 1S7G.
                                           that there could he no objection to the
             transfer on political grounds, but that if the new locality should bo fixed
            within the nominal territory of Persia, particularly Jask, it would he well that
            the Political Assistant should be ex-officio au Assistant to the Resident, Persian
             Gulf, in addition to his other ofilcial designation, so as to provide against any
                                           exception being taken to his jurisdiction,
            JT p“blio ifl-°-rk3   No. 233—T., dated The matter, however, dropped, it having
             1 u>                          been decided to maintain Gwadur and
            improve its sanitary condition.^
                316. In his letter No. 681-143, dated 12th July 1876, Captain Prideaux, the
                                           Officiating Resident, Persian Gulf, raised
                     *• Captain Mocklcr.
                                           the question of the Political Assistant's
            position to the Persian Gulf Residency. He stated that he had been under
            the impression that Captain Mookler in matters affecting the internal adminis­
            tration of the Maskat depondency of Gwadur was subordinate to the Persian
            Gulf Residency, and that lie held a similar position in regard to that portion of
            Mekran lying on the seaboard between Gwettur and Jask, which was under the
            Government of Persia. Captain Prideaux stated that his “ impression ” was con­
            firmed ou his reading the orders of the Governor-General in Council, No.
              t+ Socret, Judo 1873, No. 338.   12S2-P., dated 13th June 1873, ft—'which
              XX Proceeding as aboro, So. 33d.   prescribed that for the purposes of Notifi­
            cation No. 1276 P. It—of the same date, the territories to which the Political
            Resident in the Persiau Gulf was accredited, were the coast line from Gwadur
            westward to the Persian Gulf, all the shores of the Persian Gulf, and the Gulf
            of Omau with the islands situated in these Gulfs and the territories of the
            8ultan of Maskat in Arabia.
                The notification alluded to by Captain Prideaux appointed the Political
              §§ The stop was taken in connection with othor Residont in the Persian Gulf a Justice
            moosures for tho suppression of tho sitvo trade. of the Peace§$ in the territories above
                        ^-^e same notification which mado the Political Resident a Justice
            of the Peace conferred similar powers on the Assistant Political Agont, Gwadur,
            but his jurisdiction was limited to tho possessions of tho Sultan of Maskat ia
            Baluchistan. || ||              r
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