Page 462 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 462


                        Of these probably about half to the following value are consumed in
                           Ohec, maunds 1,000 .                        .  28,000
                           Dates, bags 6,000 .                         .  10,000
                           Grains .   .                                .  10,000
                            Salt   .   •   •                                600
                            Fresh dates and other fruit                . 1,000
                            Woollon bags, mediciuo, etc.                    600

                                                               Total   . 60,000

                         The remainder will appear in the List of Eports.
                         The above are the commodities contributed by tho interior of Mekran to
                     the commerce of Gwadur, and are brought in by Kafilas, tho goods having
                     been previously collected at the different Dep6ts by tho agents alluded to.
                         The fish trade of Gwadur surpasses the other branches in value. Both
                     the quality and quantity of the fish caught on this cost are such as to rondor the
                     fisheries famous. The greater part of the fish is prepared in its different forms
                     for the Indian market, but a large quantity is consumed ou the spot and carried
                     into the interior. Shark Hob which are brought in, in abundance, are said to
                     find their way to China, and the oil is principally kept for use on the timbers
                     of the native craft.
                         In the List of Imports common blue and white cotton fabrics largely pre­
                      dominate. Grain comes next, but as already stated, tho quantity imported is
                      according to the seasons. In the present estimate a dry season is supposed
                      with respect to this item. Owing to the poverty and simple habits of the great
                      body of the inhabitants, the quantity of other goods imported is very small.
                         A wide margin should be allowed for error in the following estimate of the
                      value of the trade of' Gwadur, as for some reasons the acquisition of accurate
                      information is difficult. The only marobant who could supply such from his
                      books is the farmer of the revenue interested in making the trade out as small
                      as. possible, and who would be no doubt unwilling to submit his books for
                      minute inspection. Some other dufturs also, which might have been obtained,
                      were burnt in a recent fire. The following are what after due inquiry are,
                      considered the probable quantites and value of Exports and Imports.
                                                                        (Yearly average).
                            Salt fish      10,000 nungs                    50.000
                              Ditto to Mekran   3,000 do.                  15.000
                            Fish roe .                                     10.000
                            Shark fins ,                                   10,000
                            Fish oil         800 maunds                     3.000
                            Wool            4,000 do.                      48,000
                            Goats’ hair      500  do.                       6.000
                            Ghee             200  do.                       5.000
                             Hides           200 koorees                    6.000
                            Cotton (uncleaned)  200 bales                   3,000
                            Dried dates of the 1st sort, kliarac             300
                            Matting          2,000 koorees                  3,000
                            Mat bags        10,000 bastas                  20,000
                            Posh 6toncs       140 maunds                     700
                            Pomegranates, Rind 800 do.                       900
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