Page 465 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 465

          which would appear to bo distributed as follows:—
 i                                                        Its.   Rb.
                 Profit of leFseo Gopaldass                     3,500
                 Profit of Sub-lcsso                      3,306
                 Expcnso of collection                    1,000
                 Salary of wahi and sepoys                1,400

                 Profit of farmer of Pcsb tax              370
                 Collection of  do                         100
                 Received by Ilia IIighne89 the Sultan by leaso of Cus­  7,650
                 Received by His Highness tbe Sultan by leaso of Pesh   530
                 Dye monopoly                              212

                                               Total            18,068
              The amount receivod by His Highness tho Sultan represents the cloar
          annual profit ho draws from tho port of Gwadur after all oxpensos connected
          with its Government are defrayed.
                                              E. C. ROSS, Lieutenant,
                                  Assistant Political Agent at ilaskat and Khelat,
             Gwadur :
          3Ut January 1S86.

                         «. I. C. P. O.—N». 4626 P. D.-5.S-1906—30-W. D’C. F
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