Page 101 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 101



          oily & over complimentary, constantly saying that his house, his services & his money were absolutely at my
          disposal.  He is always at the bottom of every intrigue but never shows his hand.

          In the afternoon M went to tennis at the Agency & I went to look over the Palace with Ghaus to see about altering
          the position of a staircase.  It is really going to be a most handsome edifice, cut stone pillars & arches & a dome above
          the doorway.

          Saturday [25 September]

          The Shaikh came down in the morning.  Showed him the plan of the Palace & he is to visit it tomorrow as he says the
          beams are too thin.  Joint Court at which Barrett sat for the first time.  The Shaikh agreed to buying the house & land
          adjacent to the new offices & our house if we can get it at cost of Rs 10,000 from the State, which I hope will be done
          by selling the house as building material.  Men of the Levy Corps & Police are returning to Bahrain as no definite order
          was made against their return.  Of course it should have been done.

          Pack, the Jewish pearl merchant, & the Dr came to dinner.  The cook produced a very good dinner & afterwards we
          played Bridge.  An old gentleman called Faad al Basaam came to call before dinner with much talk & gossip but really
          nothing important.  Barrett doesnt seem at all interested in Bahrain politics & wants as much as possible to keep
          out of them - Daly took too active a part, but Barrett seems to do exactly the opposite.

          Sunday [26 September]

          Spent all the morning at the Agency after an hour up at the Fort before breakfast.  Read over a number of old files &
          got a lot of interesting information out of them.  It shows all through how Daly really supported the Shaikh & forced
          him into action & that without support he is really a dummy, & a scared one at that.

          Motored out to the Palace in the afternoon & the Shaikh met me there with all his sons and various servants &
          relations, quite a crowd, four cars full of people.  Ghaus, the Indian contractor, showed him over the place & he
          seemed very satisfied, then he & Shaikh Abdulla & a big crowd came to call on us in state in our house.  The Shaikh &
          all of them seemed much to admire it.  The Shaikh seemed to like the dining room best as he said it was "just like a
          hotel", thinking I suppose of some private sitting room in hotels he visited at home.  Went out for a short drive after
          the visitors had departed.  We gave them coffee & tea & biscuits which they seemed to like very much.  Such a crowd
          in the drawing room!

          Monday 27th September
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