Page 103 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 103
In the bazaar in morning. In the afternoon M went to tea with the wives of one Khalil Moawaad, a big pearl merchant
living near here. I didnt go out in the afternoon.
Sheikh Isa came to call at the Agency. Saw him arrive, with about a score of attendants in his launch. Intended going
over to Agency but didnt get time.
Friday [1 October]
M had v bad toothache. The Sheikh came to call; fortunately I was up & dressed - but only just in time. He wants to
give me two carpets, so awkward, but I really dont see why I shouldn't take them from him, after all he is my boss &
pays me so its different. Tennis at Agency as usual, quite pleasant, had two setts, but only one good one. The Sheikh
came to tea, quite an innovation, & my idea. He enjoyed it very much & forgot the time for evening prayers!
Saturday [2 October]
Special, & very strong, meeting of the Municipal Council on the subject of water & wells. Afterwards had a Court
so very late getting home: Abdel Rahman Zayani & Abdel Aziz Kuzabi called in the evening, they admired the house
very much; had most interesting talk with them, both very capable & intelligent men. Dined with Pack, also present
the Spences, Pickering & a dreadful man called Straw, to do with oil, who got mildly drunk. Bridge, but being only 7
we had to play cut throat - - with disasterous results. Mrs S became very noisy & talked much of the nice "boys" she
had met & danced with in Karachi. She is very fat & nearer 50 than 40, & very vulgar. A huge dinner, seven courses &
Sunday [3 October]
Went over to Agency in morning & then to office. Court before breakfast. Motored out to Suk al Khamis & back by
Budeaya road in the evening; very pretty along there.
Monday 5th [4 October]