Page 108 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 108
belongs to Sheikh Mahomed. The tenants, some wretched Bahrainis, came up with 5 rounds of ammunition which
they had picked up at the place.
They, & other people, had obliterated all the tracks that might have been of use. Came back to the Sheikh's & then
home & then to the Agency. Later the Sheikh & Sheikh Mahomed came down. After a talk with Barrett we decided
to search the two villages near the place. Robinson & I & a lorry full of his soldiers & a crowd of the Sheikh's retainers
went off. Spent all the morning & afternoon searching two villages but got nothing of any importance. Came home &
rested & after dark we went out again & searched suspicious houses in the bazaar, but without success. At all events
it puts the wind up the people. Issued proclamation offering Rs 8000 for any information leading to capture of the
people. There is no doubt that they intended to get the Sheikh & its marvelous that they missed him.
Friday [15 October]
Stayed late in bed after yesterdays very strenuous work.
Friday [15 October]
Stayed late in bed after yesterday which was rather a strenuous day. Faad al Basaam called to take me to call on
Yusuf Kanoo but was too late. Went to call on Barrett in the morning & after lunch went to call on Kanoo. He's an ill
bred conceited old man very full of his riches & his important friends. He showed me his wharehouses & his safe &
things that had been given to him by bin Saoud & other local potentates very much in the way that a noveau rich
would show off his possessions. Afterwards we called on Sheikh Ali Zenab the biggest pearl merchant out here who
has a flat in Paris & a suite at the Savoy. A pleasant fat little man with spectacles, spotlessly clean & neat. He has a
big office here & in it we found several pearl merchants. He has bought over ten lacs worth of pearls & showed them
to me, two big bowls full almost to the brim of beautiful pearls. It was a wonderful sight. He talks English well & was
most interesting discussing trade & the bad effect on the pearly industry made by cultured pearls which all the same
are worth * price of real ones. He says very big pearls have been found here this year but not as many as before, also
the french franc is down which makes the market bad. Afterwards to the Agency where we played tennis followed by
Saturday 15th October [16]