Page 111 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 111
Busy morning. Joint Court & crowds of people in & out all the morning. Sheikh Mahomed & a long case about his
tenant. He is always pinching his tenants for more money, a mean little man & very stingy.
Sheikh Sulman, Hamed's eldest son but not, I hope, his heir, came in to settle about taking on a contract for
clearing the water channel. I am sure he means to make something out of it, but if his work is carefully watched
perhaps he wont make much. Really I dont at all like the idea of being away from here long at present. I am sure
there will be all sorts of muddles.
Played tennis with the Barretts at the Agency in the afternoon, quite good games.
Friday [22 October]
Went out before breakfast to the Sheikh's & with him to call upon the Kadi. His house is simply filthy, though he is
rolling in money. I strongly suspect him of making it deliberately dirty in order to make people think he is poor. He is
a large grubby old man but if dressed properly he would look quite impressive; he is about 80 & rather blind. He sat
& shouted at the Sheikh never giving a definite answer & heavily interlarding his speeches with religious phrases
which were echoed by three of his supporters who sat in the room. Then he asked for ten minutes private
conversation with the Sheikh so I waited outside in the car - the Sheikh told me afterwards exactly what he said which
was apparently a harangue on the subject of the Sheikh having taken his father's place on the throne, so naturally the
Sheikh put the blame onto the British Government. He always puts the blame onto somebody! Afterwards we
walked through the markets, quite a big procession with police & armed retainers & the Sheikh looked at the repairs
that I have done & was very bored by it all! Drove back to the Sheikhs & sat there awhile talking, then home. Started
a painting of a place I saw at Muharraq. Tennis & tea at the Agency in the afternoon. All the missionaries go to Basra
by next boat to a meeting so we shant see them for a long time. Bridge after tennis which I enjoy but had bad hands.
Nearly a full moon. The Sheikh is inclined to think that he was shot at by one of the Khalifa family, - the Royal Family.
His old father never even sent a message to say he was glad that Hamed had escaped. Myself I shouldn't be surprised
if the old Queen was at the bottom of it, or knew all about it.
Saturday [23 October]
A Court in the morning & a lot of cases, also Joint Court so most of the Sheikhs came to the office & all come to see
me which wastes a lot of time. Went out in the car to the new palace taking the Barretts in the evening. He shows
very little interest in anything. The palace is coming on very well indeed, it really is a very handsome building at the
end of a long avenue of trees which are growing well. Got a puncture in the car while we were there. I often think
the car is more bother than benefit. Got back on a flat tyre. Rather hot evening.