Page 110 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 110



          waxes fat on the lands & monies which he is supposed to hold in charge for charitable purposes, but which actually
          find their way into his pockets.

          Tuesday 19th Oct

          Very busy morning, crowds of people at the office.  Ali Zenab the pearl merchant called to return my visit, & Sheikh
          Sulman was in the office an hour discussing taking on the contract of cleaning Kurzakhan spring etc.  Fixed up about
          the men who are to go on to Lahore to await me there.  Tea at the Spences, tennis & then Bridge.  I like these shows
          so much better when they include Bridge.  Called on the Sheikh on the way back.  His smallest boy but one has bad
          fever, the ewe lamb - & a very spoilt child too.  He is about ten & very spoilt & naughty, but I was sorry for him as he
          seemed very bad.  He wont take medicine or do what he is told.  The Dr ordered him a plaster on his chest, which is
          affected too, & he refused so they sent for a venerable religious person from the town who came with a Koran & read
          verses & blessed the poultice, then, when it was quite cold, the boy put it on, but chucked it off in a minute or two.
          The Sheikh is frightfully worried about the boy.  Afterwards we dined with de Grenier.  Robinson was there.  Felt
          exceedingly sleepy & bored.  Played Bridge.  A heavy dinner & all the time I fancied the food was dirty as his back
          regions look so messy.  Some of his remarks were terrible.  Unfortunately he comes from Brighton & will, I am sure,
          give out there that we are his dearest friends.

          Wednesday 20th October

          The boat left in the morning.  Went over to see Barrett.  He is so carefully non committal always, still he said I ought
          to be getting Rs 200/- p m more pay & it was absurd that de G got more than I & Parke to have only Rs 100/- less.  If
          Prideaux left I would apply for it to his successor, but he doesnt go till December.  Not such a very busy morning.
          Read in the afternoon & then to tea at the Hakkens for the opening of their tennis court.  All the missionaries in full
          force.  They are awful.  The court is a very nice one but as there were 18 people there there wasn't time for much
          tennis.  I think we shall really have to make one.  Mrs Harrison has returned, a disagreable German & very anti English
          with some tiresome children whose manners are atrocious.  Much to my annoyance she tried to make them call me
          uncle!!  The court is at the back of the women's hospital & they let their children play in the hospital all the time - a
          most unsuitable arrangement.  Still warmish in the evening but really quite nice weather.  Heard from Parke by last
          mail, due here 13th Nov, also from Wingate.

          Thursday October 21st
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