Page 115 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 115
The Shaikh came in the morning as usual too busy to attend to any work - not 'busy' but really bored. He sits
in the Court constantly taking out his watch & looking at the time, he uses it too as a hint when people come
to see him & stay too long. Very busy trying to fix up everything for while I am away. The Offices simply
packed with people. Everyone apparently thinks that I will finish off their business, or case, before I go.
Motored in the evening.
Sunday [31 October]
Held a Court in the morning.
In afternoon went over to Muharraq to see the Shaikh. Stayed there a long time. As usual he talked much of
things of no importance & wouldnt discuss urgent matters which had to be settled before I go. He is very
childish in many ways. Dined with Abdel Rahman. A very pleasant party. M came too but no other women.
Talked afterwards to Koseiby who was interesting on the subject of Ibn Saoud. K is Saoud's Agent in
Bahrain. He described Saouds small son aged 4 years who came to Bahrain to see the Doctor accompanied
by a retinue of 10 slaves & 6 servants. He spoke & behaved exactly like a grown up man, never laughed &
played & was intensely dignified even deciding a dispute between his slaves! Four years old!